
Home  »  Elizabethan Sonnets  »  Canzon 8. Illuminating Lamps! Ye Orbs chrystallite!

Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.


Canzon 8. Illuminating Lamps! Ye Orbs chrystallite!


ILLUMINATING Lamps! Ye Orbs chrystallite!

Transparent mirrolds! Globes divining beauty!

How have I joyed to wanton in your light?

Though was I slain by your artillery!

Ye blithsome Stars! like LEDA’s lovely twins

(When clear they twinkle in the firmament),

Promise esperance to the seamen’s wand’rings:

So have your shine made ripe mine heart’s content.

Or as the light, which Sestyan HERO showed,

Arm-finned LEANDER to direct in waves,

When through the raging Hellespont he rowed,

Steering to Love’s Port: so, by thine eyes’ clear rays,

Blest were my waves! But since no light was found,

Thy poor LEANDER in the deep is drowned!