
C.N. Douglas, comp. Forty Thousand Quotations: Prose and Poetical. 1917.


This was the most unkindest cut of all.


And in their height of kindness are unkind.


Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind.


There is nothing that needs to be said in an unkind manner.

Hosea Ballou.

  • Hard unkindness’ alter’d eye,
  • That mocks the tear it forced to flow.
  • Gray.

  • She hath tied
  • Sharp-tooth’d inkindness, like a vulture here.
  • Shakespeare.

    Unkind language is sure to produce the fruits of unkindness—that is, suffering in the bosom of others.


    Come, we have a hot venison pasty to dinner; come, gentlemen, I hope we shall drink down all unkindness.


    A real grief I ne’er can find till thou provest perjured or unkind.


    A blow struck in anger oft causes less pain than a deliberate act of unkindness.

    Chas. Noel Douglas.

    As “unkindness has no remedy at law,” let its avoidance be with you a point of honor.

    Hosea Ballou.

    More hearts pine away in secret anguish for unkindness from those who should be their comforters than for any other calamity in life.


  • Unkindness may do much;
  • And his unkindness may defeat my life,
  • But never taint my love.
  • Shakespeare.

  • In nature there’s no blemish but the mind;
  • None can be call’d deform’d, but the unkind:
  • Virtue is beauty; but the beauteous, evil,
  • Are empty trunks o’erflourish’d by the devil.
  • Shakespeare.

    He who has once stood beside the grave, to look back upon the companionship which has been forever closed, feeling how impotent there are the wild love, or the keen sorrow, to give one instant’s pleasure to the pulseless heart, or atone in the lowest measure to the departed spirit for the hour of unkindness, will scarcely for the future incur that debt to the heart which can only be discharged to the dust.
