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James Wood, comp. Dictionary of Quotations. 1899.

Equivocation to Eventus stultorum

Equivocation is half way to lying, and lying is the whole way to hell.William Penn.

Equo frænato est auris in ore—The ear of the bridled horse is in the mouth.Horace.

Equo ne credite, Teucri—Trust not the horse, Trojans.Virgil.

Erant in officio, sed tamen qui mallent imperantium mandata interpretari, quam exsequi—They attended to their regulations, but still as if they would rather debate about the commands of their superiors than obey them.Tacitus.

Erase que se era—What has been has been.Spanish Proverb.

Erasmus laid the egg (i.e., of the Reformation), and Luther hatched it.

Er, der einzige Gerechte / Will für Jedermann das Rechte / Sei, von seinen hundert Namen, / Dieser hochgelobet!—Amen!—He, the only Just, wills for each one what is right. Be of His hundred names this one the most exalted. Amen.Goethe.

Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade, / Death came with friendly care, / The opening bud to heaven conveyed, / And bade it blossom there.Coleridge.

Ere we censure a man for seeming what he is not, we should be sure that we know what he is.Carlyle.

Er geht herum, wie die Katze um den heissen Brei—He goes round it like a cat round hot broth.German Proverb.

[Greek]—Labour is no disgrace.Hesiod.

Erfahrung bleibt des Lebens Meisterin—Experience is ever life’s mistress.Goethe.

Erfüllte Pflicht empfindet sich immer noch als Schuld, weil man sich nie ganz genug gethan—Duty fulfilled ever entails a sense of further obligation, because one feels he has never done enough to satisfy himself.Goethe.

Er hat noch nie die Stimme der Natur gehört—He has not yet heard the voice of Nature.Schiller.

Eripe te moræ—Tear thyself from all that detains thee.Horace.

Eripe turpi / Colla jugo. Liber, liber sum, dic age—Tear away thy neck from the base yoke. Come, say, I am free; I am free.Horace.

Eripit interdum, modo dat medicina salutem—Medicine sometimes destroys health, sometimes restores it.Ovid.

“Eripuit cœlo fulmen sceptrumque tyrannis”—He snatched the lightning from heaven and the sceptre from tyrants.On the bust of Franklin.

Eris mihi magnus Apollo—You shall be my great Apollo.Virgil.

Erlaubt ist was gefällt; erlaubt ist was sich ziemt—What pleases us is permitted us; what is seemly is permitted us.Goethe.

Ernste Thätigkeit söhnt zuletzt immer mit dem Leben aus—Earnest activity always reconciles us with life in the end.Jean Paul.

Ernst ist der Anblick der Nothwendigkeit. / Nicht ohne Schauder greift des Menschen Hand / In des Geschicks geheimnissvolle Urne—Earnest is the aspect of necessity. Not without a shudder is the hand of man thrust into the mysterious urn of fate.Schiller.

Ernst ist das Leben; heiter ist die Kunst—Life is earnest; art is serene.Schiller.

Erquickung hast du nicht gewonnen, / Wenn sie dir nicht aus eigner Seele quillt—Thou hast gained no fresh life unless it flows to thee direct out of thine own soul.Goethe.

Errantem in viam reducito—Lead back the wanderer into the right way.

Errare humanum est—It is human to err.

Errare malo cum Platone, quam cum istis vera sentire—I had rather be wrong with Plato than think right with those men.Cicero.

Errata—Errors in print.

Erringen will der Mensch, er will nicht sicher sein—Man will ever wrestle; he will never trust.Goethe.

Erring is not cheating.German Proverb.

Error cannot be defended but by error.Bp. Jewel.

Error is always more busy than ignorance. Ignorance is a blank sheet on which we may write, but error is a scribbled one from which we must first erase.Colton.

Error is always talkative.Goldsmith.

Error is but opinion in the making.Milton.

Error is but the shadow of truth.Stillingfleet.

Error is created; truth is eternal.William Blake.

Error is on the surface; truth is hid in great depths.Goethe.

Error is sometimes so nearly allied to truth that it blends with it as imperceptibly as the colours of the rainbow fade into each other.W. B. Clulow.

Error is worse than ignorance.Bailey.

Error never leaves us, yet a higher need always draws the striving spirit gently on to truth.Goethe.

Error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it.Jefferson.

Errors like straws upon the surface flow; / He who would search for pearls must dive below.Dryden.

Error, sterile in itself, produces only by means of the portion of truth which it contains.Mme. Swetchine.

Errors, to be dangerous, must have a great deal of truth mingled with them;… from pure extravagance, and genuine, unmingled falsehood, the world never has sustained, and never can sustain, any mischief.Sydney Smith.

Error, when she retraces her steps, has farther to go before she can arrive at truth than ignorance.Colton.

Erröten macht die Hässlichen so schön: / Und sollte Schöne nicht noch schöner machen?—Blushing makes even the ugly beautiful, and should it not make beauty still more beautiful?Lessing.

Ersparte Wahl ist auch ersparte Mühe—Selection saved is trouble saved.Platen.

Er steckt seine Nase in Alles—He thrusts his nose into everything.German Proverb.

Erst seit ich liebe ist das Leben schön, / Erst seit ich liebe, weiss ich, dass ich lebe—Only since I loved is life lovely; only since I loved knew I that I lived.Körner.

Erst wägen, dann wagen—First weigh, then venture.Motto of Moltke.

Ertragen muss man was der Himmel sendet. / Unbilliges erträgt kein edles Herz—We must bear what Heaven sends. No noble heart will bear injustice.Schiller.

Erudition is not like a lark, which flies high and delights in nothing but singing; ’tis rather like a hawk, which soars aloft indeed, but can stoop when she finds it convenient, and seize her prey.Bacon.

Er wünscht sich einen grossen Kreis / Um ihn gewisser zu erschüttern—He desires a large circle in order with greater certainty to move it deeply.Goethe.

Es bedarf nur einer Kleinigkeit, um zwei Liebende zu unterhalten—Any trifle is enough to entertain two lovers.Goethe.

Es bildet ein Talent sich in der Stille, / Sich ein Character in dem Strom der Welt—A talent is formed in retirement, a character in the current of the world.Goethe.

Es bildet / Nur das Leben den Mann, und wenig bedeuten die Worte—Only life forms the man, and words signify little.Goethe.

Eschew fine words as you would rouge; love simple ones as you would native roses on your cheek.Hare.

Escuchas al agujero; oirás de tû mal y del ageno—Listen at the keyhole; you will hear evil of yourself as well as your neighbour.Spanish Proverb.

E se finxit velut araneus—He spun from himself like a spider.

Esel singen schlecht, weil sie zu hoch anstimmen—Asses sing abominably, because they pitch their notes at too high a key.German Proverb.

Es erben sich Gesetz’ und Rechte / Wie eine ewige Krankheit fort—Laws and rights descend like an inveterate inherited disease.Goethe.

Es findet jeder seinen Meister—Every one finds his master.German Proverb.

Es geht an—It is a beginning.German.

Es giebt eine Höflichkeit des Herzens; sie ist der Liebe verwandt—There is a courtesy of the heart which is allied to love; out of it there springs the most obliging courtesy of external behaviour.Goethe.

Es giebt eine Schwelgerei des Geistes wie es eine Schwelgerei der Sinne giebt—There is a debauchery of spirit, as there is of senses.Börne.

Es giebt gewisse Dinge, wo ein Frauenzimmer immer schärfer sieht, als hundert Augen der Mannspersonen—There are certain things in which a woman’s vision is sharper than a hundred eyes of the male.Lessing.

Es giebt keine andre Offenbarung, als die Gedanken der Weisen—There is no other revelation than the thoughts of the wise among men.Schopenhauer.

Es giebt kein Gesetz was hat nicht ein Loch, wer’s finden kann—There is no law but has in it a hole for him who can find it.German Proverb.

Es giebt Männer welche die Beredsamkeit weiblicher Zungen übertreffen, aber kein Mann besitzt die Beredsamkeit weiblicher Augen—There are men the eloquence of whose tongues surpasses that of women, but no man possesses the eloquence of women’s eyes.Weber.

Es giebt mehr Diebe als Galgen—There are more thieves than gallows.German Proverb.

Es giebt Menschen, die auf die Mängel ihrer Freunde sinnen; dabei kommt nichts heraus. Ich habe immer auf die Verdienste meiner Widersacher Acht gehabt und davon Vortheil gezogen—There are men who brood on the failings of their friends, but nothing comes of it. I have always had respect to the merits of my adversaries, and derived profit from doing so.Goethe.

Es giebt Naturen, die gut sind durch das was sie erreichen, andere durch das was sie verschmähen—There are natures which are good by what they attain, and others that are so by what they disdain.H. Grimm.

Es giebt nur eine Religion, aber es kann vielerlei Arten der Glaubens geben—There is only one religion, but there may be divers forms of belief.Kant.

Es hört doch Jeder nur was er versteht—Every one hears only what he understands.Goethe.

Es irrt der Mensch, so lang er strebt—Man is liable to err as long as he strives.Goethe.

Es ist besser, das geringste Ding von der Welt zu thun, als eine halbe Stunde für gering halten—It is better to do the smallest thing in the world than to regard half an hour as a small thing.Goethe.

Es ist bestimmt in Gottes Rath / Dass man vom Liebsten, was man hat, / Muss scheiden—It is ordained in the counsel of God that we must all part from the dearest we possess.Feuchtersleben.

Es ist das Wohl des Ganzen, wovon jedes patriotische, wovon selbst jedes eigennützige Gemüth das seinige hofft—It is the welfare of the whole from which every patriotic, and even every selfish, soul expects its own.Gentz.

Es ist der Geist, der sich den Körper baut—It is the spirit which builds for itself the body.Schiller.

Es ist freundlicher das menschliche Leben anzulachen, als es anzugrinzen—It is more kindly to laugh at human life than to grin at it.Wieland.

Es ist klug und kühn den unvermeidlichen Uebel entgegenzugehen—It shows sense and courage to be able to confront unavoidable evil.Goethe.

Es ist nicht gut, wenn derjenige der die Fackel trägt, zugleich auch den Weg sucht—It is not good when he who carries the torch has at the same time also the way to seek.Cötvös.

Es ist nicht nötig, dass ich lebe, wohl aber, dass ich meine Pflicht thue und für mein Vaterland kämpfe—It is not a necessity that I should live, but it is that I should do my duty and fight for my fatherland.Frederick the Great. (?)

Es ist öde, nichts ehren können, als sich selbst—It is dreary for a man to be able to worship nothing but himself.Hebbel.

Es ist schwer gegen den Augenblick gerecht sein; der gleichgültige macht uns Langeweile, am Guten hat man zu tragen und am Bösen zu schleppen—It is difficult to be square with the moment; the indifferent one is a bore to us (lit. causes us ennui); with the good we have to bear and with the bad to drag.Goethe.

Es ist so schwer, den falschen Weg zu meiden—It is so difficult to avoid the wrong way.Goethe.

Es ist unköniglich zu weinen—ach, / Und hier nicht weinen ist unväterlich—To weep is unworthy of a king—alas! and not to weep now is unworthy of a father.Schiller.

Es kämpft der Held am liebsten mit dem Held—Hero likes best to fight with hero.Körner.

Es kann der beste Herz in dunkeln Stunden fehlen—The best heart may go wrong in dark hours.Goethe.

Es kann ja nicht immer so bleiben / Hier unter dem wechselnden Mond—Sure it cannot always be so here under the changing moon.Kotzebue.

Es kann nichts helfen ein grosses Schicksal zu haben, wenn man nicht weiss, dass man eines hat—It is of no avail for a man to have a great destiny if he does not know that he has one.Rahel.

Es kommen Fälle vor im Menschenleben, / Wo’s Weisheit ist, nicht allzu weise sein—There are situations in life when it is wisdom not to be too wise.Schiller.

Es leben Götter, die den Hochmut rächen—There live gods who take vengeance on pride.Schiller.

Es liebt die Welt das Strahlende zu schwätzen, / Und das Erhabne in den Staub zu ziehn—The world is fain to obscure what is brilliant, and to drag down to the dust what is exalted.Schiller.

Es liesse sich Alles trefflich schlichten, Könnte man die Sachen zweimal verrichten—Everything could be beautifully adjusted if matters could be a second time arranged.Goethe.

Es muss auch solche Käuze geben—There must needs be such fellows in the world too.Goethe.

[Greek]—The fountain of wisdom flows through books.Greek Proverb.

Espérance en Dieu—Hope in God.Motto.

Espionage—The spy system.French.

Esprit borné—Narrow mind.French.

Esprit de corps—Spirit of brotherhood in a corporate body.French.

Esprit de parti—Party spirit.French.

Esprit fort—A free-thinker.French.

Esprit juste—Sound mind.French.

Esprit vif—Ready wit.French.

Es reift keine Seligkeit unter dem Monde—No happiness ever comes to maturity under the moon.Schiller.


Esse bonum facile est, ubi quod vetet esse remotum est—It is easy to be good, when all that prevents it is far removed.Ovid.

Esse quam videri—To be rather than to seem.

[Greek]—A day will come when the sacred Ilium shall be no more.Homer.

Es schwinden jedes Kummers Falten / So lang des Liebes Zauber walten—The wrinkles of every sorrow disappear as long as the spell of love is unbroken.Schiller.

Es sind nicht alle frei, die ihrer Ketten spotten—All are not free who mock their chains.German Proverb.

Es sind so gute Katzen die Mäuse verjagen, als die sie fangen—They are as good cats that chase away the mice as those that catch them.German Proverb.

Es steckt nicht in Spiegel was man im Spiegel sieht—That is not in the mirror which you see in the mirror.German Proverb.

Es steht ihm an der Stirn’ geschrieben, / Das er nicht mag eine Seele lieben—It stands written on his forehead that he cannot love a single soul.Goethe, of Mephistopheles.

Establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.Bible.

Est aliquid fatale malum per verba levare—It is some alleviation of an incurable disease to speak of it to others.Ovid.

Est animus tibi / Rerumque prudens, et secundis / Temporibus dubiisque rectus—You possess a mind both sagacious in the management of affairs, and steady at once in prosperous and perilous times.Horace.

Est animus tibi, sunt mores et lingua, fidesque—Thou hast a man’s soul, cultured manners and power of expression, and fidelity.Horace, of a gentleman.

Est assez riche qui ne doit rien—He is rich enough who owes nothing.French Proverb.

Est aviditas dives, et pauper pudor—Covetousness is rich, while modesty is poor.Phædrus.

Est bonus, ut melior vir / Non alius quisquam—He is so good that no man can be better.Horace.

Est brevitate opus, ut currat sententia—There is need of conciseness that the thought may run on.Horace.

Est demum vera felicitas, felicitate dignum videri—True happiness consists in being considered deserving of it.Pliny.

Est deus in nobis, agitante calescimus illo—There is a god in us, who, when he stirs, sets us all aglow.Ovid.

Est deus in nobis, et sunt commercia cœli—There is a god within us, and we hold commerce with the sky.Ovid.

Esteem a man of many words and many lies much alike.Fuller.

Esteem is the harvest of a whole life spent in usefulness; but reputation is often bestowed upon a chance action, and depends most on success.G. A. Sala.

Est enim lex nihil aliud nisi recta et a numine deorum tracta ratio, imperans honesta, prohibens contraria—For law is nothing else but right reason supported by the authority of the gods, commanding what is honourable and prohibiting the contrary.Cicero.

Est egentissimus in sua re—He is in very straitened circumstances.

Est etiam miseris pietas, et in hoste probatur—Regard for the wretched is a duty, and deserving of praise even in an enemy.Ovid.

Est etiam, ubi profecto damnum præstet facere, quam lucrum—There are occasions when it is certainly better to lose than to gain.Plautus.

Est genus hominum qui esse primos se omnium rerum volunt, / Nec sunt—There is a class of men who wish to be first in everything, and are not.Terence.

Est hic, / Est ubivis, animus si te non deficit æquus—It (happiness) is here, it is everywhere, if only a well-regulated mind does not fail you.Horace.

Est miserorum, ut malevolentes sint atque invideant bonis—’Tis the tendency of the wretched to be ill-disposed towards and to envy the fortunate.Plautus.

Est modus in rebus; sunt certi denique fines, / Quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum—There is a mean in all things; there are, in fine, certain fixed limits, on either side of which what is right and true cannot exist.Horace.

Est multi fabula plena joci—It is a story full of fun.Ovid.

Est natura hominum novitatis avida—It is the nature of man to hunt after novelty.Pliny.

Estne Dei sedes nisi terra, et pontus, et aër, / Et cœlum, et virtus? Superos quid quærimus ultra? / Jupiter est, quodcunque vides, quodcunque moveris—Has God a dwelling other than earth and sea and air and heaven and virtue? Why seek we the gods beyond? Whatsoever you see, wheresoever you go, there is Jupiter.Lucan.

Est nobis voluisse satis—To have willed suffices us.Tibullus.

Esto perpetua—Let it be perpetual.

Esto quod es; quod sunt alii, sine quemlibet esse: / Quod non es, nolis; quod potes esse, velis—Be what you are; let whoso will be what others are. Don’t be what you are not, but resolutely be what you can.

Esto quod esse videris—Be what you seem to be.

Esto, ut nunc multi, dives tibi, pauper amicis—Be, as many now are, rich to yourself, poor to your friends.Juvenal.

Est pater ille quem nuptiæ demonstrant—He is the father whom the marriage-rites point to as such.Law.

Est profecto Deus, qui quæ nos gerimus auditque et videt—There is certainly a God who both hears and sees the things which we do.Plautus.

Est proprium stultitiæ aliorum cernere vitia, oblivisci suorum—It is characteristic of folly to discern the faults of others and forget its own.Cicero.

Est quadam prodire tenus, si non datur ultra—You may advance to a certain point, if it is not permitted you to go farther.Horace.

Est quædam flere voluptas, / Expletur lachrymis egeriturque dolor—There is a certain pleasure in weeping; grief is soothed and alleviated by tears.Ovid.

Est quoque cunctarum novitas carissima rerum—Novelty is the dearest to us of all things.Ovid.

Es trägt Verstand und rechter Sinn / Mit wenig Kunst sich selber vor; und wenn’s euch Ernst ist was zu sagen / Ist’s nötig Worten nachzujagen?—Understanding and good sense find utterance with little art; and when you have seriously anything to say, is it necessary to hunt for words?Goethe.

Es trinken tausend sich den Tod, ehe einer stirbt vor Durstes Noth—A thousand will drink themselves to death ere one die under stress of thirst.German Proverb.

Est tempus quando nihil, est tempus quando aliquid, nullum tamen est tempus in quo dicenda sunt omnia—There is a time when nothing may be said, a time when something may, but no time when all things may.A Monkish Adage.

Esurienti ne occurras—Don’t throw yourself in the way of a hungry man.

Es will einer was er soll, aber er kann’s nicht machen; es kann einer was er soll, aber er will’s nicht; es will und kann einer, aber er weiss nicht, was er soll—One would what he should, but he can’t; one could what he should, but he won’t; one would and could, but he knows not what he should.Goethe.

Es wird wohl auch drüben nicht anders seyn als hier—Even over there it will not be otherwise than it is here, I ween.Goethe.

[Greek]—Either this or upon this.The Spartan mother to her son on handing him his shield.

E tardegradis asinis equus non prodiit—The horse is not the progeny of the slow-paced ass.

Et cætera—And the rest.

Et c’est être innocent que d’être malheureux—And misfortune is the badge of innocence.La Fontaine.

Et credis cineres curare sepultos?—And do you think that the ashes of the dead concern themselves with our affairs?Virgil.

Et daligt hufoud hade han, men hjertat det var godt—He had a stupid head, but his heart was good.Swedish Proverb.

Et decus et pretium recti—Both the ornament and the reward of virtue.Motto.

E tenui casa sæpe vir magnus exit—A great man often steps forth from a humble cottage.Proverb.

Eternal love made me.Dante.

Eternal smiles his emptiness betray, / As shallow streams run dimpling all the way.Pope.

Eternity, depending on an hour.Young.

Eternity looks grander and kinder if Time grow meaner and more hostile.Carlyle.

Eternity of being and well-being simply for being and well-being’s sake, is an ideal belonging to appetite alone, and which only the struggle of mere animalism (Thierheit), longing to be infinite gives rise to.Schiller.

Et facere et pati fortiter Romanum est—Bravery and endurance make a man a Roman.Livy.

Et genus et formam regina pecunia donat—Money, like a queen, confers both rank and beauty.Horace.

Et genus et proavos, et quæ non fecimus ipsi, / Vix ea nostra voco—We can scarcely call birth and ancestry and what we have not ourselves done, our own.Ovid.

Et genus et virtus, nisi cum re, vilior alga est—Without money both birth and virtue are as worthless as seaweed.Horace.

Ethics makes man’s soul mannerly and wise, but logic is the armoury of reason, furnished with all offensive and defensive weapons.Fuller.

Et hoc genus omne—And everything of this kind.

Etiam celeritas in desiderio, mora est—When we long for a thing, even despatch is delay.Publius Syrus.

Etiam fera animalia, si clausa teneas, virtutis obliviscuntur—Even savage animals, if you keep them in confinement, forget their fierceness.

Etiam fortes viros subitis terreri—Even brave men may be alarmed by a sudden event.Tacitus.

Etiam innocentes cogit mentiri dolor—Pain makes even the innocent forswear themselves.Publius Syrus.

Etiam oblivisci quod scis, interdum expedit—It is sometimes expedient to forget what you know.Publius Syrus.

Etiam sanato vulnere cicatrix manet—Though the wound is healed, a scar remains.

Etiam sapientibus cupido gloriæ novissima exuitur—Even by the wise the desire of glory is the last of all passions to be laid aside.Tacitus.

Et jam summa procul villarum culmina fumant, / Majoresque cadunt altis de montibus umbræ—And now the cottage roofs yonder smoke, and the shadows fall longer from the mountain-tops.Virgil.

Et je sais, sur ce fait, / Bon nombre d’hommes qui sont femmes—And I know a great many men who in this particular are women.La Fontaine.

Et l’avare Achéron ne lâche pas sa proie—And greedy Acheron lets not go his prey.Racine.

Et le combat cessa faute de combattants—And the battle ceased for want of combatants.Corneille.

Et l’on revient toujours / A ses premiers amours—One returns always to his first love.French Proverb.

Et mala sunt vicina bonis—There are bad qualities near akin to good.Ovid.

Et male tornatos incudi reddere versus—And take back ill-polished stanzas to the anvil.Horace.

Et mea cymba semel vasta percussa procella / Illum, quo læsa est, horret adire locum—My bark, once shaken by the overpowering storm, shrinks from approaching the spot where it has been shattered.Ovid.

Et mihi res, non me rebus, subjungere conor—My aim ever is to subject circumstances to myself, not myself to them.Horace.

Et minimæ vires frangere quassa valent—A very small degree of force will suffice to break a vessel that is already cracked.Ovid.

Et monere, et moneri, proprium est veræ amicitiæ—To give counsel as well as take it, is a feature of true friendship.Cicero.

Et nati natorum, et qui nascentur ab illis—The children of our children, and those who shall be born of them, i.e., our latest posterity.

Et nova fictaque nuper habebunt verba fidem, si / Græco fonte cadunt parce detorta—And new and lately invented terms will be well received, if they descend, with slight deviation, from a Grecian source.Horace.

Et pudet, et metuo, semperque eademque precari, / Ne subeant animo tædia justa tuo—I am ashamed to be always begging and begging the same things, and fear lest you should conceive for me the disgust I merit.Ovid.

Et quæ sibi quisque timebat, / Unius in miseri exitium conversa tulere—And what each man dreaded for himself, they bore lightly when diverted to the destruction of one poor wretch.Virgil.

Et quiescenti agendum est, et agenti quiescendum est—He who is indolent should work, and he who works should take repose.Seneca.

Et qui nolunt occidere quenquam / Posse volunt—Even those who have no wish to kill another would like to have the power.Juvenal.

Et quorum pars magna fui—And in which I played a prominent part.Virgil.

Etre capable de se laisser servir n’est pas une des moindres qualités que puisse avoir un grand roi—The ability to enlist the services of others in the conduct of affairs is one of the most distinguishing qualities of a great monarch.Richelieu.

Etre pauvre sans être libre, c’est le pire état où l’homme puisse tomber—To be poor without being free is the worst condition into which man can sink.Rousseau.

Etre sur le qui vive—To be on the alert.French.

Etre sur un grand pied dans le monde—To be in high standing (lit. on a great foot) in the world.French.

Et rose elle a vécu ce que vivent les roses / L’espace d’un matin—As rose she lived the life of a rose for but the space of a morning.Maleherbe.

Et sanguis et spiritus pecunia mortalibus—Money is both blood and life to men.Proverb.

Et semel emissum volat irrevocabile verbum—And a word once uttered flies abroad never to be recalled.Horace.

Et sequentia, Et seq.—And what follows.

Et sic de ceteris—And so of the rest.

Et sic de similibus—And so of the like.

“Et tu, Brute fili”—And thou, son Brutus.Cæsar, at sight of Brutus among the conspirators.

Et vaincre sans péril serait vaincre sans gloire—To conquer without peril would be to conquer without glory.Corneille.

Et vitam impendere vero—Stake even life for truth.Motto.

Et voilà justement comme on écrit l’histoire—And that is exactly how history is written.Voltaire.

Etwas ist besser als gar nichts—Something is better than nothing at all.German Proverb.

Euch zu gefallen war mein höchstes Wunsch; / Euch zu ergötzen war mein letzer Zweck—To please you was my highest wish; to delight you was my last aim.Goethe.

[Greek]—While the fisher sleeps the net takes.Greek Proverb.

Euge, poeta!—Well done, poet!Persius.

Eum ausculta, cui quatuor sunt aures—Listen to him who has four ears, i.e., who is readier to hear than to speak.Proverb.

[Greek]—I have found it.Archimedes when he found out the way to test the purity of Hiero’s golden crown.

Europe’s eye is fixed on mighty things, / The fall of empires and the fate of kings.Burns.

[Greek]—Success is befriended by many people.Greek Proverb.

[Greek]—Be not uplifted in prosperity nor downcast in adversity.Cleobulus.

E’ va più d’un asino al mercato—There is more than one ass goes to the market.Italian Proverb.

Evasion is unworthy of us, and is always the intimate of equivocation.Balzac.

Evasions are the common subterfuge of the hard-hearted, the false, and impotent, when called upon to assist.Lavater.

Even a fly has its spleen.Italian Proverb.

Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise.Bible.

Even a frog would bite if it had teeth.Italian Proverb.

Even a haggis could charge down-hill.Scott.

Even a hair casts a shadow.Proverb.

Even a horse, though he has four feet, will stumble.Proverb.

Even among the apostles there was a Judas.Italian Proverb.

Even beauty cannot palliate eccentricity.Balzac.

Even by means of our sorrows we belong to the eternal plan.W. von Humboldt.

Even foxes are outwitted and caught.Italian Proverb.

Even in a righteous cause force is a fearful thing; God only helps when men can help no more.Schiller.

Evening is the delight of virtuous age; it seems an emblem of the tranquil close of busy life.Bulwer Lytton.

Even in social life, it is persistency which attracts confidence, more than talents and accomplishments.Whipple.

Even perfect examples lead astray by tempting us to overleap the necessary steps in their development, whereby we are for the most part led past the goal into boundless error.Goethe.

Even so my sun one early morn did shine, / With all triumphant splendour on my brow; / But out alack! it was but one hour mine.Shakespeare.

Even success needs its consolations.George Eliot.

Even that fish may be caught which resists most stoutly against it.Danish Proverb.

Even the just man has need of help.Italian Proverb.

Even the lowest book of chronicles partakes of the spirit of the age in which it was written.Goethe.

Even then a wish (I mind its power), / A wish that to my latest hour / Shall strongly heave my breast, / That I, for puir auld Scotland’s sake, / Some usefu’ plan or beuk could make, / Or sing a sang at least.Burns at the plough.

Even though the cloud veils it, the sun is ever in the canopy of heaven (Himmelszelt). A holy will rules there; the world does not serve blind chance.F. K. Weber.

Even though vanquished, he could argue still.Goldsmith.

Even thou who mourn’st the daisy’s fate, / That fate is thine—no distant date; / Stern Ruin’s ploughshare drives elate / Full on thy bloom, / Till crush’d beneath the farrow’s weight / Shall be thy doom.Burns.

Events are only the shells of ideas; and often it is the fluent thought of ages that is crystallised in a moment by the stroke of a pen or the point of a bayonet.Chapin.

Events of all sorts creep or fly exactly as God pleases.Cowper.

Eventus stultorum magister est—Only the event teaches fools.Livy.