
William McCarty, comp. The American National Song Book. 1842.

An Ode: ‘When the Almighty’s fiat gave’

Written at Lexington, in Kentucky, for the fourth of July, 1788

WHEN the Almighty’s fiat gave

“Creation’s boundless range” a birth;

The choir of angels hail’d our land,

The land most favour’d of the earth.

“Hail, Kentucky! Kentucky, that shall be

Forever great, most blest and free!

“High as thy streams, whose swelling pride

Increasing torrents quickly raise;

So high, the trump of fame shall swell

Thy name with tributary praise.

Hail, Kentucky! forever be thy name

The theme of never-dying fame!

“Till latest times, thy teeming fields,

By lib’ral Heaven’s great commands,

Shall on thy torrents, unconfined,

Send plenty to far distant lands.

Hail, Kentucky! Kentucky, thou shalt be

Forever great, most blest and free!”