
William McCarty, comp. The American National Song Book. 1842.

Light of Glory

Tune—“Rule Britannia”

AGAIN, athwart the Atlantic main,

Through morning’s rosy portals seen,

The star of Freedom lights our plain,

And glances on our mountains green.

Light of glory, shine afar,

Our guide in peace, our shield in war.

When erst, oppress’d by tyrant force

Our fathers sought a distant shore,

Thy rays illumed the pilgrims’ course,

And western magi thee adore.

Light of glory, shine afar,

Our guide in peace, our shield in war.

The moss-clad cell and barren coast

Thy power transforms to cities fair,

And, late where roam’d the savage host,

The virgin waves her golden hair.

Light of glory, shine afar,

Our guide in peace, our shield in war.

See! warm’d by thy creative ray,

Pactolean streams rich commerce brings,

While Art usurps rude Nature’s sway,

And Science spreads her eagle wings.

Light of glory, shine afar,

Our guide in peace, our shield in war.

When mad Oppression stretch’d her arm,

Our wealth to seize, ourselves enslave,

Thy beams made patriot bosoms warm,

But lit the tyrants to their grave.

Light of glory, shine afar,

Our guide in peace, our shield in war.

Then, mid the fiery blaze of war,

Great WASHINGTON undaunted stood;

Bore on his arm a nation’s care,

And o’er his brow the smiles of God.

Light of glory, shine afar,

Our guide in peace, our shield in war.

This day be festive honours paid

To those whose blood manured the tree

Beneath whose wide and glorious shade

We taste the sweets of liberty.

Light of glory, shine afar,

Our guide in peace, our shield in war.

With eagle’s eye and lion’s nerve,

The fruits our fathers’ labour won,

We swear forever to preserve

And guard the gift of WASHINGTON.

Light of glory, shine afar,

Our guide in peace, our shield in war.