
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

Lines from “The History of Samson”

XXI. Francis Quarles

  • The Argument.
  • He goes to Timnah: as he went
  • He slew a lyon by the way;
  • He sues, obtaines the maid’s consent,
  • And they appoint the marriage-day.

    WHEN the next day had with his morning light

    Redeem’d the East from the dark shades of night,

    And with his golden rayes had overspred

    The neighb’ring mountaines, from his loathed bed

    Sick-thoughted Samson rose, whose watchfull eyes

    Morpheus that night had with his leaden keyes

    Not power to close: his thoughts did so incumber

    His restlesse soule, his eyes could never slumber;

    Whose softer language by degrees did wake

    His father’s sleep-bedeafned eares, and spake;

    “Sir, let your early blessings light upon

    The tender bosome of your prosprous sonne,

    And let the God of Israel repay

    Those blessings, double, on your head this day:

    The long since banisht shadowes make me bold

    To let you know the morning waxes old;

    The sun-beames are growne strong, their brighter hiew

    Have broke the mists and dride the morning dew;

    The sweetness of the season does invite

    Your steps to visit Timnah, and acquite

    Your last night’s promise.”

    With that the Danite and his wife arose,

    Scarce yet resolved; at last they did dispose

    Their doubtfull paces to behold the prize

    Of Samson’s heart, and pleasure of his eyes.

    They went, and when their travell had attain’d

    Those fruitfull hils whose clusters entertain’d

    Their thirsty palats with their swelling pride,

    The musing lover being stept aside

    To gaine the pleasure of a lonely thought,

    Appear’d a full-ag’d lyon, who had sought

    (But could not find) his long-desired prey.

    Soone as his eye had given him hopes to pay

    His debt to nature, and to mend that fault

    His empty stomack found, he made assault

    Vpon th’ unarm’d lover’s breast, whose hand

    Had neither staffe nor weapon to withstand

    His greedy rage; but he whose mighty strength

    Or sudden death must now appeare, at length

    Strecht forth his brawny arme, (his arme supplide

    With power from heaven,) and did with ease divide

    His body limme from limme, and did betray

    His flesh to foules that lately sought his prey.

    This done, his quick redoubled paces make

    His stay amends; his nimble steps o’rtake

    His leading parents, who by this discover

    The smoake of Timnah: now the greedy lover

    Thinkes every step a mile, and every pace

    A measured league, untill he see that face,

    And finde the treasure of his heart that lies

    In the fair casket of his mistresse’ eyes.

    But all this while close Samson made not knowne

    Vnto his parents what his hands had done.

    By this the gate of Timnah entertaines

    The welcome travellers; the parents’ paines

    Are now rewarded with their sonne’s best pleasure:

    The virgin comes; his eyes can finde no leisure

    To owne another object. O the greeting

    Th’ impatient lovers had at their first meeting!

    The lover speakes; she answers; he replies;

    She blushes; he demandeth; she denies;

    He pleades affection; she doubts; hee sues

    For nuptiall love; she questions; he renewes

    His earnest suit: importunes; she relents;

    He must have no deniall; she consents:

    They passe their mutuall loves; their joyned hands

    Are equall earnests of the nuptiall bands.

    The parents are agreed; all parties pleas’d;

    The daye’s set downe; the lovers hearts are eas’d;

    Nothing displeases now but the long stay

    Betwixt th’ appointment and the mariage-day.

    ’Tis too severe a censure: if the sonne

    Take him a wife; the marriage fairely done,

    Without consent of parents (who perchance

    Had rais’d his higher price, knew where t’advance

    His better’d fortunes to one hundred more,)

    He lives a fornicator, she, a whore:

    Too hard a censure! and it seems to me

    The parent’s most delinquent of the three.

    What if the better minded sonne doe aime

    At worth? what if rare vertues doe inflame

    His rapt affection? what if the condition

    Of an admired and dainty disposition

    Hath won his soule? whereas the covetous father

    Findes her gold light, and recommends him rather

    T’ an old worne widow, whose more weighty purse

    Is filled with gold, and with the orphan’s curse;

    The sweet exuberance of whose full-mouth’d portion

    Is but the cursed issue of extortion;

    Whose worth, perchance, lies onely in her weight,

    Or in the bosome of her great estate.

    What if the sonne (that does not care to buy

    Abundance at so deare a rate,) deny

    The soule-detesting profer of his father,

    And, in his better judgement, chooses rather

    To match with meaner fortunes and desert?

    I thinke that Mary chose the better part.

    What noble families (that have outgrowne

    The best records) have quite bin overthrowne

    By wilfull parents, that will either force

    Their sonnes to match, or haunt them with a curse!

    That can adapt their humors to rejoyce

    And fancy all things, but their children’s choyce!

    Which makes them often timorous to reveale

    The close desiers of their hearts, and steale

    Such matches as perchance their faire advice

    Might in the bud have hindred in a trice;

    Which done, and past, O then their hasty spirit

    Can thinke of nothing under disinherit:

    He must be quite discarded and exiled;

    The furious father must renounce his childe;

    Nor pray’r nor blessing must he have; bereiven

    Of all; nor must he live, nor die, forgiven;

    When as the father’s rashnesse oftentimes

    Was the first causer of the children’s crimes.

    Parents, be not too cruell; children doe

    Things oft too deepe for us t’inquire into.

    What father would not storme if his wilde sonne

    Should doe the deed that Samson here had done?

    Nor doe I make it an exemplar act,

    Onely let parents not be too exact,

    To curse their children, or to dispossesse

    Them of their blessings, Heaven may chance to blesse.

    Be not too strict; faire language may recure

    A fault of youth, whilst rougher words obdure.