
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

Stanzas from “St. Peter’s Path to the Joyes of Heauen”

LXIX. William Broxup

RISE, sinfull man, looke on the heauenly light,

Bee not by Sathan to hel’s bondage brought;

Let not despairing thoughts thy soule affright

To ’stroy thy treasure Christ so deerely bought:

Say not, with Cain, The Lorde cannot forgiue;

His oyle of grace will thy sicke soule relieue.

His life-preseruing mercy passeth all

The glorious workes that euer he did make;

For whosoeuer faithfully doth call

On his great Name, he neuer doth forsake;

Though skarlet sinnes thy soule doe ouergrow,

Yet his sweet blood wil wash them white as snow.

Cast not thy lookes against the sullen ground,

But looke on Christ fast nayled to the crosse;

His death of life did death and hell confound,

And therewithal redeem’d thy greatest losse:

Adam wreckt our soules: Christ was soules’ life-beginner:

His blood sau’d thee and me the vildest sinner.