
Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865). Political Debates Between Lincoln and Douglas. 1897.

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Subject Index

Cape Girardeau, 489.
Carlin, Governor, 390.
Carlin, W. H., 389390.
Carlisle, Ills., 207.
Carolinas, the, 17, 87.
Carroll County, Ills., 190.
Casey, 240.
Cass, L., and Compromise Measures, 123, 185, 204, 278, 382, 384, 406; and Chase’s amendment, 160, 170, 176; and Fred Douglass, 207, 280.
Central America, 23, 66, 98.
Chaffee, Rev. Dr., 275, 369.
Charleston, Ills., 120, 122, 208, 320321, 329, 346348, 356, 357358, 361362, 372373, 391393, 435, 473, 485; Joint Debate at, 251, 313.
Chase, S. P. and Nebraska bill, 7, 147, 169; referred to by Douglas, 125, 128, 185186, 207, 244, 284, 437; amendment, 159160, 169172, 176177, 360; referred to by Lincoln, 442.
Chicago, 13, 56, 80, 207, 208, 274, 278, 280, 285, 320321, 323, 329, 331, 347, 356, 372375, 392393, 396397, 414, 416417, 471; Douglas’s speech at, 10, 25, 79, 108, 113, 119, 120, 121, 143, 258; Lincoln’s speech at, 2644, 56, 83, 84, 88, 95, 110; Lincoln’s letter from, 119, 120; Trumbull’s speech at, 252, 267, 271, 297298, 304312.
Chicago District, 241, 286.
“Chicago Press and Tribune,” the, 137.
“Chicago Times,” the, 120, 137, 162, 271, 293, 416.
Chinese, 23, 68, 96.
Cincinnati, Lincoln’s speech at, 470495.
Cincinnati platform, indorsed by Douglas, 24, 52; referred to by Lincoln, 39,40, 114, 152, 341; referred to by Douglas, 248, 381, 384385.
Clay, Henry, 116, 165, 270, 320, 392, 413, 430, 437438, 469; and Crittenden, 49, 80; and Compromise of 1850, 72, 78, 123, 185186, 203, 204, 276279, 324, 382, 384, 406; and slavery, 115, 153154, 342, 359, 416419.
Clinton, Ills., 145, 148.
Codding, 155, 182, 397.
Cody, H. H., 230.
Coles County, Ills., 321, 347, 372.
Colonization society, 342.
Columbus, O., Lincoln’s speech at, 422469, 478, 487.
Compromise Measures of 1850, referred to by Douglas, 13, 20, 50, 72, 78, 123124, 185, 204, 245, 276279, 289, 313319, 324, 371, 381384, 401, 407, 440; referred to by Lincoln, 222223, 332333, 425, 454.
“Congressional Globe,” the, 171, 234, 261263, 272273, 294, 300, 302303, 312, 337.
Connecticut, 58, 128, 399.
Cook, Isaac, 229.
Cook County, Ills., 229.
Corwin, Thomas, 436, 442.
Court of St. James, 194, 275, 370.
Cox, S. H., 317.
Crittenden, John J., 12, 49, 81, 420, 485.
Crittenden-Montgomery bill, 12, 49, 80, 81, 184.
Cuba, 217.
Curtis, B. R., 7, 360.
Davis, Jake,389.
Davis, Jeff., 408, 441, 467.
Declaration of Independence, 30, 42, 43, 46, 66, 67, 68, 69, 95, 96, 117, 132, 139, 154, 155, 182, 215, 286287, 320, 323324, 327, 330, 342, 347, 359, 372373, 392, 397, 409, 414418, 468469, 476.