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Jacob A. Riis (1849–1914). Theodore Roosevelt, the Citizen. 1904.

Page 236

men everywhere, from the men with ideals, it was a genuine shout for the leader who spoke with their tongue, to their hearts. Senator Wolcott spoke their mind when he brought him the nomination: “You, everywhere and at all times, stood for that which was clean and uplifting, and against everything that was sordid and base. You have shown the people of this country that a political career and good citizenship could go forward hand in hand.… There is not a young man in these United States who has not found in your life and influence an incentive to better things and higher ideals.” Against such a force traditions went for nothing; it was strong enough to break more stubborn ones than that which made of the Vice-Presidency a political grave. In 1904 it was to be Roosevelt for President.
  Roosevelt yielded. His friends were in despair; his enemies triumphed. At last they had him where they wanted him.
  Man proposes, but God disposes. Now in joy, and again in tears and sorrow, do we register the decree. One brief year, and the nation wept at the bier of William McKinley. Of his successor the President of Columbia College