
Home  »  The American Language  »  List of Words and Phrases 18

H.L. Mencken (1880–1956). The American Language. 1921.

List of Words and Phrases 18

railway, 115, 168
railway guard, 97, 138
railway servant, 115
raise, n., 41, 133, 406; v., 274
raised, 274
rake-off, 10
ram, 149
rambunctious, 96, 163
ran, 274
ranch, n., 101; ranch, v., 101
ranchero, 39
ranch-house, 101
ranchman, 101
rancho, 39
rancor, 221
rancorous, 227
rancour, 221, 227
rank, 274, 278
range, n., 96
rapides, 405
rapids, 50, 56, 101, 405
rare, a., 115, 118; rare, v., 316
ratepayer, 116, 121
rates, 116, 121
rather, 111
rathskeller, 103, 251, 319, 320
rattle, v., 192
rattler, 184
rattling, 135
razor-back, 56
razor-strop, 317
read, 274
read for holy orders, vp., 130
read law, vp., 119
ready, 185
ready-made, 144
ready-tailored, 144
ready-to-put-on, 144
ready-to-wear, 144
real, 218, 306
real-estate agent, 26, 125, 144
really, 306, 307
realm, 231
realtor, 144
rear, v., 316
recall, n., 124
receipts, 115
recess, 209
reckon, 39, 81
rector, 121, 130, 144
reddish, 316
red-eye, 100
Red Indian, 114
red-light district, 150
reed-bird, 56
reel of cotton, 118
reflexion, 240
refresher, 125
régime, 249
regular, 98
regular guy, 153
regularity, 98
reit ev, 413
releasement, 39, 91
realiable, 36, 37, 61, 159
relm, 231
reminisce, 175, 185
remove, n., 121, 170
rendezvous, 249
renig, 192
rench, 106, 274, 316
renched, 274
rent, v., 280
Reo, 195
rep, 184
repeater, 98, 124
repertoiré, 249
repertory, 249
reptile, 218
requirement, 39
requiset, 230
requisite, 232
resinol, 195, 196
resolute, v., 92, 175
restaurant, 144
résumé, 250
resurrect, 32, 92
retainer, 125
retiracy, 91
retiring-room, 150
retoric, 246
return-ticket, 115, 122
reunion, v., 192
reumatism, 246
Rev., 142
revener, 130
revenor, 130
reverend, 130
revernor, 130
revernor, 130
revue, 200
Rhine-wine, 115, 119
Rhine-wine cup, 26
rhyme, 238
rickey, 99
rid, 274
ride, v., 274
ridiculosity, 88
riffle, 56, 186
right, 32, 135, 136
right away, 135, 136, 413
right good, 135
right-of-way, 97
Right Honorable, 138
right now, 135
right-o, 24
right-off, 135
right on time, 135
right smart, 136
right there, 136
right-thinker, 423
right well, 136
rigor, 221, 228
rigor mortis, 228
rigorous, 221, 227
rigour, 227
rile, 176, 274, 315
riled, 274, 315
rime, 225, 238, 246
rind, 211
ring, n., 414; v., 274, 278
rinse, 106, 274, 316
ripping, 135
rise, n., 133; v., 124, 274
rised, 276
rithm, 246
ritualism, 130
riveter, 226
riz, 274
rize, 246
road-agent, 15, 15
road-bed, 115
road-boss, 414
road-house, 190
road-mender, 115
road-repairer, 115
roast, n., 115; roast, v., 192
roasting-ear, 57
rob, 216
robd, 245
rock, n., 40, 41, 63, 64
rock-pile, 64
rode, 274277
roil, 176, 274
roil, v., 315
rôle, 249
roll, n., 115
roll-call, 115, 124
roller-coaster, 92
rolling-country, 56
Roman Catholic, 131
romance, 209
romanza, 88
rood, 219
roof, 219
rook, 219
room, n., 219; v., 60
room-clerk, 125
roorback, 98
rooster, 26, 115, 149, 219
root, 219
rooter, 128
rooves, 219
rope in, vp., 93
Roquefort, 320
rose, v., 274
Rotten Row, 52
rotter, 153
rough, 244
roundsman, 122
round-trip ticket, 122
rough-house, 32
rough-neck, 95
round-trip, 97
round-trip-ticket, 115
round-up, 95
’rous mit ’im, 104
roustabout, 95
row, n., 126
rowdy, 96, 366
royal supreme knight commander, 145
R.S.O., 97
rubarb, 246
rubber-neck, n., 10, 15, 31, v., 281
rube, 15, 134, 184
ruby, 132
ruby-nonpareil, 132
ruf, 244, 246
Rugby, 128
Rugger, 128
Rumania, 249
rumbustious, 163
rum-dumb, 104
rumour, 221
rumour, 221, 227
run, n., 56, 97, 125, 352; run v., 98, 124, 135, 274
rung, 274, 277, 278
run-in, 193
run into the ground, vp., 93
run slow, 181
Russian, 334
rutabaga, 126
ruz, 276
Sabbaday, 184
sabe, 101, 202
sachem, 52
sack, 41
sacrifice, n., 130
sacrilege, v., 192
Sadd’y, 212
sagamore, 39, 52
said, n., 249, 274
salesgirl, 141
saleslady, 141, 406