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Frank J. Wilstach, comp. A Dictionary of Similes. 1916.

Sigh (Verb)

Sighed like the dying gasp of a syphon bottle.

Sighing … as though the sea were mourning above an ancient grief.
—Bliss Carman

The sails did sigh like sedge.
—Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Sighed like Boreas.
—Gerald Griffin

Sigh like a dog that hath lost his master.
—Thomas Lodge

He sighs like David’s son for Sheba’s queen.
—Edward Lovibond

Sighs as men sigh relieved from care.
—James Russell Lowell

Sighing … like a tomb-searcher.
—Thomas Moore

Like some sweet plaintive melody of ages long gone by.
—William Motherwell

Sighed as if a deadly burthen had been taken from her breast.
—Edgar Allan Poe

Sighing as April sighs for May.
—T. Buchanan Read

Sighing like furnace.
—William Shakespeare

Sigh, like a school-boy that had lost his A, B,. C. William Shakespeare

Sigh like Tom o’ Bedlam.
—William Shakespeare

Sighed like a man near fainting.
—Robert Louis Stevenson

As a voiceless crying of old love
That died and never spoke.
—Arthur Symons

He sighed like a zephyr.
—Mark Twain

Sighs, like a spirit, deep along the cheerless waste.
—Henry Kirke White