
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

enrich improve 658 wealth 803 ornament 847 enrobe 225 enroll list 86 record 551 enlist 722 commission 755 – troops 722 ens essence 1 ensample 22 ensanguined 361 ensate 253 ensconce conceal 528 safety 664 ensconced located 184 ensemble 50 Ens Entium 976 enshrine circumscribe 229 repute 873 sanctify 987 – in the memory 505 ensiform 253 ensign standard 550 officer 726 master 745 – of authority 747 ensilage 637, 670 enslave 749 ensnare 545 ensphere 227 ens rationis 1, 451 ensue follow 63, 117 happen 151 ensure 474 entablature 210 entail cause 153 tie up property 781 entangle interlink 43 derange 61 ravel 219 entrap 545 embroil 713 entangled disorder 59 – by difficulties 704 entanglement [see entangle] impurity 961 entelechy 161 entente cordiale agreement 23 alliance 714 friendship 888 enter list 86 go in 294 note 551 account 811 – a profession 625 – in converge 290 – into an engagement 768 – into details special 79 describe 594 – into the composition of 56 – into the feelings of 914 – into the ideas of understand 518 concord 714 – into the spirit of feel 821 delight 827 – into one’s views 488 – the lists attack 716 contention 720 – the mind 451 – upon 66 enteritis 221 enterology 221 enteropothy 221 enterotomy 221 enterprise pursuit 622 undertaking 676 commercial – 794 enterprising energetic 171 active 682 courageous 861 entertain bear in mind 457 support 707 amuse 840 sociality 892 – an idea 451 – an opinion 484 – doubts 485 – feeling 821 entertainment [see entertain] repast 298 pleasure 377 enthrall subjection 749 restraint 751 enthrone 873 enthronement 755 enthusiasm vigor 574 willingness 602 eagerness 682 feeling 821 hope 858 love 897 enthusiast madman 504 obstinate 606 active 682 sports 840 enthusiastic imaginative 515 willing 602 sensitive 822 excitable 825 sanguine 858 enthymeme 476 entice 615 enticement 615 enticing 829 entire whole 50 complete 52 continuous 69 – horse 373 entirely much 31 entirety [see entire] entitle name 564 give a right 924 entity 1 entomb inter 363 imprison 751 entombment 363 entomology 368 entourage situation 183 surroundings 227 entozoön 193 entrails 221 entrain 293 entrammel 751 entrance beginning 66 ingress 294 means of access 627 enrapture 827, 829 magic 992 give – to 296 entranced 515 entrancement 824 entrant 710 entrap deceive 545 (imperil 665) entreat 765 entrée reception 296 dish 298 give the – 296 have the – 294 entremet 298 entrepôt store 636 mart 799 entrepreneur 599 entre-sol 191 entrust commission 755 give 784 credit 805 entry beginning 66 ingress 294 record 551 entwine join 43 intersect 219 convolve 248 enucleate 522 enumerate 85 – among 76 enunciate inform 527 affirm 535 voice 580 envelop 225 envelope covering 223 inclosure 232 envenom deprave 659 exasperate 835 hate 898 anger 900 envenomed bad 649 insalubrious 657 painful 830 malevolent 907 – tongue 934 envious 920 – suspicion 920 environ 227 environment 183, 227 environs 197 in such and such 183 envisage 220 envoy messenger 534 consignee 758 envy 921 enwrap 225 enzyme 320 Eolian harp 417 Eolus 349 eon 106, 110 epacme 62 epact 641 epagoge 476 eparch 694 epact 108 epaulet badge 550 insignia 747 ornament 847 decoration 877 épergne 191 ephemera 193 ephemeral 111 ephemerality 111 ephemerid 193 ephemeris calendar 114 record 551 book 593 ephemeron 111 Ephesian letters 993 ephialtes physical pain 378 hindrance 706 mental pain 828 ephor 967 epic descriptive 594 poetry 597 epicarp 223 epicedium 839 epicene multiform 81 exceptional 83 epicure fastidious 868 sybarite 954a glutton 957 epicurean 954 Epicureanism 451 Epicurus, system of – 954 epicycle 247 epicycloid 247 epidemic general 78 disease 655 insalubrity 657 epidermal 223 epidermis 223 epigastrium 250 epigenesis 161 epigram wit 842 epigrammatic concise 572 epigrammatist 844 epigraph 550 epilepsy 315 epilogue sequel 65 end 67 drama 599 Epihany 998 episcopacy 995 episcopal 995 Episcopalian 984 episcopate 995 episode adjunct 39 discontinuity 70 interjacence 228 episodic irrelative 10 style 573 epistle 592 Epistles 985 epistyle 210