
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

charge fill 52 contents 190 business 625 mandate 630 direction 693 advice 695 precept 697 attack 716 order 741 custody 751 commission 755 bargain for 794 price 812 accusation 938 churchdom 995 – d with possessed of 777 – on attribute 155 in – prisoner 754 justifiable – 937 take – of safe 664 take in – 751 chargeable debt 806 – on duty 926 chargé d’affaires 758 charger carrier 271 fighter 726 chargeship 625 chariot 272 drag at one’s – wheels 749 charioteer driver 268 pilot 694 charitable [see charity] charity give 784 liberal 816 beneficent 906 pity 914 – that begins at home 943 cold as – insensible 823 charivari loud 404 clatter 407 discord 414 charlatan ignoramus 493 impostor 548 mountebank 844 boaster 884 charlatanism ignorance 491 falsehood 544 affectation 855 Charles’s wain 318 Charley 753 charm draw 288 motive 615 talisman 747 please 829 beauty 845 love 897 attraction 928 conjure 992 spell 993 bear a -d life safe 664 prosperous 734 charmer sorcerer 994 voice of the – flattery 933 charming taste 850 [see charm] charnel house 363 chart inform 527 represent 554 charter commission 755 permit 760 compact 769 security 771 privilege 924 chartered legal 963 – accountant 811 – libertine 962 chartulary 86 charwoman worker 690 servant 746 chary economical 817 stingy 819 cautious 864 Charybdis whirlpool 312, 346 danger 665 chase emboss 250 drive away 289 killing 361 forest 367 pursue 622 ornament 847 wild goose – 645 chaser 559 chasm interval 198 opening 260 gully 350 abyss 667 (discontinuity 70) chassepot 727 chasser 297 – balancer 605 chasseur 726 chassis 272 chaste shapely 242 language 576, 578 simple 849 good taste 850 pure 960 chasten moderate 174 punish 972 chastened subdued spirit 826 chasteness [see chaste] chastise censure 932 punish 972 – with scorpions 739 chastity 960 chasuble 999 chat 588 château 189 châtelaine 847 chatoyant 440 chattels furniture 633 property 780 chatter 412, 584 chatterbox 584 chattering of teeth cold 383 chatti 191 chatty talkative 584 sociable 892 chauffeur 268, 271, 694 chauki 752 chaunt [see chant] chaussé 225 Chautauqua 537 chauvinism 884, 885 chauvinist 885 chawbacon 876 cheap worthless 643 low price 815 hold – 930 cheapen haggle 794 begrudge 819 cheapness 815 cheat deceive 545 deceiver 548 check numerical 85 cessation 142 moderate 174 counteract 179 slacken 275 plaid 440 experiment 463 measure 466 evidence 468 ticket 550 dissuade 616 hinder 706 misfortune 735 restrain 751 money order 800 – in full career 142 – oneself 829 – the growth 201 checkered diversified 16a changeable 149 variegated 440 checkers 440 game 840 checkmate deadlock 142 success 731 failure 732 checkrein 706 checkroll 86 checkstring pull the – 142 cheek side 236 – by jowl with 88 near 197 cheeks dual 89 cheep 412 cheer repast 298 cry 411 aid 707 pleasure 827 relief 834 mirth 836 rejoicing 838 amusement 840 courage 861 exult 884 sociality 892 welcome 894 applaud 931 (please 829) good – hope 858 high living 957 cheerful 836 – giver 816 cheerfulness 836 cheering 602 cheerless unpleasing 830 dejected 837 cheese 298 cheesecake 298 cheeseparings remains 40 dirt 653 parsimony 819 cheetah 440 chef de cuisine proficient 700 servant 746 chef-d’œuvre masterpiece 648 master stroke 698 cheiromancy 522 chela 541 chemical 144 chemise 225 chemisette 225 chemistry 144 organic – 357 cheque 800 chequer 440 – roll 86 cherish aid 707 love 897 endearment 902 – a belief 484 – an idea &c. 451 – feelings &c. 821 cheroot 392 cherry 298, 434 two bites of a – overrate 482 roundabout 629 clumsy 699 cherry-cheeked 845 cherry-colored 434 chersonese 342 cherub 167, 977 Cherubim 977 Cheshire cat 838 chess 840 chessboard 440 chest box 191 money coffer 802 chestnut stale joke 105, 532 fruit 367 red 434 chestnut-color 433 cheval-de-bataille plea 617 plan 626 cheval glass 445 chevalier 875 -d’industrie 792 chevaux de frise spikes 253 defense 717 chevron obliquity 217 rank 550, 747, 877 chevronné 754 chew 298 tobacco 392 – the cud 451