
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

spin journey 266 aviation 267 rotate 312 – a long yarn exaggerate 549 – out protract 110 late 133 prolong 200 diffuse style 573 spinach 298 spinal 222, 235 spindle 312 spindle-shanks 203 spindle-shaped 253 spindrift 353 spine 253 spinel 847 spineless weak 945 spinet copse 367 harpsichord 417 spinney 367 spinosity unintelligible 519 discourtesy 895 sullenness 901a spinous prickly 253 Spinozism 451 spinster 374, 904 spinuliferous 253 spiny 253 spiracle 260, 351 spiral 248, 311 spire height 206 peak 253 soar 305 spiriferous 248 spirit essence 5 immateriality 317 intellect 450 meaning 516 vigorous language 574 stimulate 615 activity 682 affections 820 courage 861 ghost 361, 980 evil – 980a keep one’s – up hope 858 – away 791 – control 992a – of my dream 515 – of myrcia 400 – up induce 615 excite 824 unclean – 978 with life and – 682 Spirit, the Holy – 976 spirited language 574 active 682 sensitive 822 cheerful 836 dashing 852 brave 861 generous 942 spiritism 317, 992a spiritist 317, 450 spiritistic 317 spiritless insensible 823 sad 837 cowardly 862 spiritoso music 415 spirit rapping 992a spirits drink 298 cheer 836 spirit-stirring 824 spiritual immaterial 317 psychical 450 divine 976 pious 987 – director 996 – existence 987 – wife 903, 962 spiritualism immateriality 317 intellect 450 heterodoxy 984 psychical research 992a spiritualist 317 spiritualize 317 spirituel 842 spiroid 248 spirograph 662 spirometer 662 spirt eject 297 stream 348 haste 684 exertion 686 spirtle disperse 73 splash 348 spissitude dense 321 viscid 352 spit pointed 253 perforate 260 eject 297, 299 rain 348 – fire irascible 901 spite 907 envy 921 in – of disagreement 24 counteraction 179 opposition 708 in – of one’s teeth unwilling 603 spiteful malevolent 907 hating 898 spittle 299 spittoon 191 splanchnic 221, 329 splanchnology 221, 329 splash affuse 337 stream 348 spatter 653 parade 882 make a – fame 873 display 882 splashboard 666 splayfooted 243 spleen melancholy 837 hatred 898 anger 900 sullen 901a harbor – 907 spleenless 906 splendiferous 851 splendor bright 420 beautiful 845 glorious 873 display 882 splenetic sad 837 morose 901a splice join 43 cross 219 interjacent 228 repair 660 – the main brace tipsy 959 spliced, be – marriage 903 splint 215, 662, 752 splinter small piece 32 divide 44 filament 205 brittle 328 (part 51) split divide 44 bisect 91 brittle 328 divulge 529 quarrel 713 fail 732 laugh 838 – hairs discriminate 465 sophistry 477 – one’s sides 838 – the difference mean 29 compromise 774 – the ears loud 404 stridor 410 deafness 419 – the lungs 411 – upon a rock 732 splurge 882 splutter energy 171 spit 297 stammer 583 haste 684 spoil waste 638 vitiate 659 botch 699 hinder 706 lenity 740 plunder 791 booty 793 satiate 869 (bad 649) -s of time 106 – sport 706 – trade 708 spoiled child satiated 869 favorite 899 – of fortune 734 spoiler 792 spoke radius 200 tooth 253 obstruct 706 put a – in one’s wheel render powerless 158 hinder 706 spokesman interpreter 524 speaker 582 spoliate 791 spoliative 793 spondee 597 sponge stopper 263 moisten 339 dry 340 pulpiness 354 marine animal 368 clean 652 despoil 791 drunkard 959 apply the – obliterate 552 nonpayment 808 – out 552 sponger 886 sponging-house 752 spongy porous 252 soft 324 squashy 345 sponsion 771 sponsor witness 467 security 771 be – for promise 768 obligation 926 sponsorship 771 spontaneous voluntary 600 willing 602 impulsive 612 – generation 357 spontoon 727 spoof 545 spook 361, 980a fish 368 spool 312 spoon receptacle 191 ladle 272 bill and coo 902 born with a silver – in one’s mouth 734 spoondrift 353 Spoonerism 495 spoonful some 25 small quantity 32 spoon-meat 298 spoony foolish 499 lovesick 902 spoor 550 sporaceous 330 sporadic unassembled 73 infrequent 137 disease 655, 657 spore 330 sporogenous 161 sporophyte 357 sporous 330 sport killing 361 chase 622 amusement 840 show off 882 (enjoyment 827) in – pastime 840 humor 842 – of fortune 735 – one’s oak 893 the – of 749 sporting killing 361 contention 720 amusement 840 – dog 366 sportive gay 836 frolicsome 840