
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

scientist reasoner 476 learned man 492 scimitar 727 – shaped 253 scintilla small 32, 193 spark 420, 423 scintillate [see scintillation] intelligence 498 scintillation heat 382 light 420 wit 842 sciolism 491 sciolist 493 sciomancy 511 scion part 51 child 129 posterity 167 scission 44 scissors 253 – and paste 609 scissure 198 scilerotics 195 scobs 330 scoff ridicule 856 deride 929 impiety 988 – at despise 930 censure 932 scold berate 527 shrew 901 malediction 908 censure 932 (detractor 936) scolecoid 248 scollop convolution 248 notch 257 sconce top 210 candlestick 423 brain 450 defense 717 mulct 974 scone 298 scoop depression 252 perforator 262 scop 597 scope degree 26 occasion 134 extent 180 meaning 516 freedom 748 (intention 620) scorch 382, 384 scorcher 268, 274 scorching violent 173 score compose 54 arrangement 60 count 85 list 86 twenty 98 indent 257 furrow 259 music 415 berate 527 mark 550 credit 805 debt 806 accounts 811 on the – of relation 9 motive 615 – a success 731 – board 551 – sheet 551 scores many 102 scoriaceous 384 scoriæ ash 384 dirt 653 (useless 645) scorify 384 scorn 930 scorpion insect 368 painful 830 evildoer 913 (bane 663) chastise with -s 739 scorse 794 scot reward 973 scotch notch 257 injure 659 – the snake maim 158 insufficient 640 noncompletion 730 – the wheel 706 Scotchman 188 canny 702 scot-free escape 671 free 748 cheap 815 exempt 927a escape – escape 671 let off – 970 scotograph 554 scotomy 443 Scotsman 188 Scotticism 563 scoundrel 949 scour run 274 rub 331 clean 652 – the country 266 – the plain 274 scourge bane 663 painful 830 punish 972 instrument of punishment 975 – of the human race 913 scourings 645 scout vanguard 234 aviator 269a spectator 444 feeler 463 messenger 534 reject 610 patrol 664 warning 668 servant 746 disrespect 929 disdain 930 (looker 444) (underrate 483) (ridicule 856) scow 273 scowl complain 839 frown 895 anger 900 sullen 901a disapprobation 932 – of night 982 scrabble unmeaning 517 scribble 590 scrag 203 scraggy lean 193 amorphous 241 rough 256 (ugly 846) scramble confusion 59 climb 305 pursue 622 haste 684 difficulty 704 contend 720 seize 789 scrambled eggs 298 scranch 330 scrannel 643 scrap small 32 piece 51 child 129 (minute 193) scrapbook 596 scrape subduct 38 reduce 195 pulverize 330 abrade 331the fiddle 416 mezzotint 558 clean 652 difficulty 704 mischance 732 bow 894 – together assemble 72 acquire 775 scraper 652 scratch groove 259 abrade 331 unmeaning 517 mark 550 daub 555 draw 556 write 590 hurt 619 wound 649 come to the – contention 720 courage 861 mere – 209 old – 978 – out 552 – the head 461 up to the – 861 without a – 670 scrawl unmeaning 517 write 590 scrawny 203 screak 411 scream blow 349 cry 411 wail 839 screaming 853 screech 411, 412 screed 86, 590 screen sift 60 crossing 219 sieve 260 shade 424 hide 528 hider 530 side scene 599 sift 652 safety 664 shelter 666 defense 717 – from sight 442 screw fasten 43 fastening 45 distortion 243 oar 267 propeller 284 rotation 312 instrument 633 miser 819 put on the – severity 739 compel 744 – loose insane 503 imperfect 651 unskillful 699 hindrance 706 attack 713 – one’s courage to the sticking place 861 – up fasten 43 strengthen 159 prepare 673 – up the eyes 443 screw-driver 633 screwed drunk 959 screw-shaped 248 screw steamer 273 scribble compose 54 unmeaning 517 write 590 scribbler 593 scribe recorder 553 writer 590, 593 priest 996 scrimmage discord 713 contention 720 scrimp short 201 insufficient 640 stingy 819 scrip 191 script 590 scriptural orthodox 983a Scripture certain 474 revelation 985 scrivener writer 590 lawyer 968 scrofula 655 scroll list 86 record 551 scrub short 201 rub 331 bush 367 clean 652 dirty person 653 commonalty 876 scrubby small 193 trifling 643 disreputable 874 vulgar 876 shabby 940 scruple small quantity 32 weight 319 doubt 485 reluctance 603 probity 939 make no – of 602