
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

reception room 191 receptive undertaking 676 [see reception] recess receptacle 191 corner 244 regression 283 ambush 530 vacation 687 retirement 893 recesses interior 221 secret – of one’s heart 820 recession motion from 287 recessive 287 réchauffé copy 21 repetition 104 food 298 made hot 384 restored 660 recherché unimitated 20 good 648 fashionable 852 recidivation regression 283 relapse 661 recidivism 607 recidivist 607 recipe remedy 662 precept 697 recipient receptacle 191 receiving 785 reciprocal mutual 12quantity 84 retaliation 718 reciprocate correlation 12 interchange 148 assent 488 concord 714 retaliate 718 reciprocitist 12 reciprocity 12, 148 recision 38 recital music 415 recitation [see recite] recitativo 415 recite enumerate 85 speak 582 narrate 594 reciter 582 reck 459 reckless careless 460 defiant 715 rash 863 reckon count 85 – among 76 – upon believe 484 expect 507 – with 807 – without one’s host unskillful 699 fail 732 rash 863 reckoning numeration 85 measure 466 expectation 507 payment 807 accounts 811 reward 973 day of – 919 reclaim improve 658 restore 660 command 741 due 924 atonement 952 reclaimed penitent 950 reclamation land 342 [see reclaim] recline lie flat 213 depress 308 repose 687 – on 215 reclivate 248 recluse 893 recognition [see recognize] courtesy 894 thanks 916 means of – 550 recognitor 967 recognizable visible 446 intelligible 518 – by 550 recognizance 771 recognize see 441 attention 457 discover 480a assent 488 know 490 remember 505 permit 760 (affirm 535) recognized influential 175 customary 613 (conformable 82) – maxim 496 recoil reaction 179 repercussion 277 reluctance 603 shun 623 from which reason -s 471 – at hate 898 – from dislike 867 recollect 505 recommence 66 recommend advise 695 approve 931 (induce 15) – itself approbation 931 recompense reward 973 (pay 809) recompose combine 56 reconcile agree 23 pacify 723 content 831 forgive 918 – oneself to 826 recondite obscure 519 hidden 528 recondition 660 reconnoissance 441 reconnoiter see 441 inquire 461 reconsideration 451 on – 658 reconstitute 660 reconstruct 660 reconvert 660 record 551 discrimination 465 career 692 break the – 33 Congressional -s 551 court of – 966 recorder 553 judge 967 recording – instrument 551 – secretary 554 recount 594 recoup 30, 790 recourse 677 recovery improvement 658 reinstatement 660 getting back 775 restitution 790 – of strength 689 recreant coward 862 base 940 knave 941 vicious 945 bad man 949 recreation 840 recrement 653 recriminate 932 recrimination 938 recriminatory 718, 938 recrudescence 661 recruit alien 57 strength 159 learner 541 provision 637 health 654 repair 658 reinstate 660 refresh 689 aid 707 auxiliary 711 soldier 726 beat up for -s prepare 673 aid 707 rectal 221 rectangle 244 rectangular perpendicular 212 angle 244 rectify degree 26 straighten 246 improve 658 reëstablish 660 rectilinear 246 rectitude probity 939 virtue 944 rector director 694 clergyman 996 rectorship 995 rectory 1000 rectrix 745 rectum 221, 350 recubant 213, 217 recueil 54 recumbent horizontal 213 oblique 217 recuperation 689, 790 recuperative 660 recur repeat 104 frequent 136 periodic 138 – to 677 – to the mind 505 recure 660 recurrence [see recur] recursion 292 recurvity 245 recusancy impiety 988 [see recusant] recusant dissenting 489 denying 536 disobedient 742 refusing 764 impenitent 951 heterodox 984 (unwilling 603) Red anarchist 146, 710 red 434 – and yellow 439 – book list 86 – cap porter 271 – cent 643, 800 – cross 662 – flag 550, 668 – hot great 31 violent 173 hot 382 emotion 821 excited 824 – lead 434 – letter mark 550 celebrate 883 – letter day important 642 rest 687 amusement 840 celebration 883 – light 550, 668 – light district 961 – ocher 434 – pepper 393 – republican 742 – tape 613, 694 – with mirth 892 turn – feeling 821 redact 54, 658 redan 717 redargue 479 redcoat 726 red-complexioned 434 redden color 434 humble 879 angry 900 reddish-brown 433, 434 reddition interpretation 522 restitution 790 redeem compensate 30 substitute 147 reinstate 660 deliver 672 regain 775 restore 790 pay 807 penitent 950 atone 952 – from oblivion 505 – one’s pledge observe 772 duty 926