
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

prospective 120, 507 prospectively 121, 50 prospectus list 86 7 foresight 510 compendium 596 scheme 626 prosper 618, 734 prosperity 734 prospicience 510 prostate 221 prosternation dejection 837 servility 886 prostitute corrupt 659 misuse 679 impure 961 courtesan 962 prostrate powerless 158 destroyed 162 low 207 horizontal 213 depress 308 laid up 655 exhausted 688 submissive 725 dejected 837 servile 886 fall – 306 – oneself servile 886 obeisance 928 worship 990 prostration [see prostrate] sickness 655 submission 725 pain 828 prosy feeble style 575 weary 841 dull 843 prosyllogism 476 protagonist actor 599 proficient 700 protasis precursor 64 beginning 66 maxim 496 protean 81, 149 protect safe 664 protected cruiser 726 protection influence 175 defense 717 restrain 751 protectionist 751 protective 717 – devices 717 protector 664, 717 master 745 keeper 753 protectorate 737 realm 780 protégé servant 746 friend 890 proteid 357 proteiform 149 protein semiliquid 352 organic 357 proteolysis 49 protervity 901 protest dissent 489 assert 535 deny 536 refuse 764 deprecate 766 not observe 773 not pay 808 counter – 468 enter a – 766 – against oppose 708 disapprove 932 under – unwilling 603 compulsion 744 Protestant 984 protestant dissenting 489 unaccustomed 614 refusing 764 Protestantization 144 protested bills 808 Proteus 149 prothesis 1000 prothonotary 553 protocol scheme 626 compact 769 (record 551) (warrant 771) protogenal 153 protohistoric 124 protoplasm prototype 22 organization 357 protoplasmic 240, 357 protoplast 22, 357 prototypal original 20 prototype 22 prediction 511 protoxide of nitrogen 376 protozoa 357, 368 protract time 110 late 133 lengthen 200 diffuse style 573 protreptical 615 protrude 250 protrusile 250 protrusive 250 protuberance 250 protypify 511 proud dignified 873 lofty 878 – flesh 250 prove arithmetic 85 turn out 151 try 463 demonstrate 478 indicate 550 affect 821 – one’s case vindication 937 – true 494 provender food 298 provision 637 proverb maxim 496 (phrase 566) proverbe acting 599 proverbial 490 provide furnish 637 – against prepare 673 – against a rainy day 817 provided conditionally 8 qualification 469 supposition 514 (conditions 770) – for 803 well – 639 providence foresight 510 preparation 673 divine government 976 Providence 976 waiter on – idle 683 contented 831 provident careful 459 wise 498 prepared 673 providential opportune 134 fortunate 734 provider 637 province department 75 region 181 office 625 career 692 (duty 926) provincial [see province] narrow 481 vulgar 851 impiety 988 provincialism neology 563 provision food 298 supply 637 preparation 673 wealth 803 (materials 635) – shop 637 provisional 475 circumstances 8 temporary 111 uncertain 475 expectation 507 preparing 673 provisions conditions 770 proviso qualification 469 condition 770 provisory 111 provoke cause 153 incite 615 excite 824 vex 830 aggravate 835 anger 900 – desire 865 – hatred 898 provoquant 824 provost master 745 deputy 759 prow 234 prowess 861 prowl walk 266 lurk 528 – after 622 proximate next 63 near 197 – cause 153 proximity near 197 adjacent 199 proximo 121 proxy 634, 755 by – 147, 759 prude affected 855 chaste 960 prudent careful 459 wise 498 cautious 864 (skillful 698) prudery affectation 855 fastidiousness 868 prudish severe 739 stiff 751 taste 850 [see prudery] pruina 383 prune take away 38 lop 201, 371 repair 658 – s and prisms 855 prunello leather or – 643 prurience desire 865 lust 961 prurient 380, 961 Prussian blue 438 Prussic acid 663 pry look 441 curiosity 455 inquire 461 – into the future 510 – open 173 prytaneum 931 psalm music 415 worship 990 psalm book 998 psalmody 415 psalter 998 psaltery 417 psammous 330 psephomancy 511 pseudo simulated 17 imitative 19 sham 545 misnomer 565 pseudoblepsis 443 pseudology 563 pseudonym 565 pseudonymity 565 pseudoscope 445 pshaw trifling 643 excitement 825 psora 380, 655 psychasthenia 992a psyche 450 psychic 450 psychical 450 – research 450, 992a psychoanalysis 450 psychogenesis 450 psychological 450, 537 psychologico-spiritualistic school 451 psychologize 992a psychology 450 psychomancy 511 psychometry 450