
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

poncho 225 pond lake 343 store 636 fish – 370 ponder 451 ponderable matter 316 weight 319 ponderation weighing 319 judgment 480 ponderous heavy 319style 574, 579 poniard 727 pons asinorum unintelligible 519 difficulty 704 pontiff 996 pontifical 995 pontificals 999 pontificate 995 pontoon vehicle 272 boat 273 way 627 pony 271 translation 522, 539 – up expend 809 poodle 366 pooh, pooh! absurd 497 unimportance 643 contempt 930 pool lake 343 coöperate 709 prize 775 billiards 840 – room 621 – shark 621 poonghie 996 poop 235 poor incomplete 53 weak 160 emaciated 203reasoning 477style 575 insufficient 640 trifling 643 indigent 804 unhappy 828 cut a – figure 874 – hand 701 – head 499 – in spirit 881 – man 640, 804 – thing 914 poorhouse 189 poorly 655 – off 804 poorness [see poor] inferiority 34 poor-spirited 862 pop bubble 353 noise 406 concert 415 unexpected 508 – a question 461 – at 716 – in ingress 294 insertion 300 – off die 360 – the question request 765 endearment 902 – upon arrive 292 discover 480a pope infallibility 474 priest 996 popedom 995 Pope Joan 840 popery 984 popgun trifle 643 popinjay 854 poplar tall 206 tree 367 poppy sedative 174 poppy-cock 517 populace 876 popular choosing 609 salable 795 desirable 865 celebrated 873 favorite 897 approved 931 – concert 415 – demand 677 – opinion 488 popularize render intelligible 518 facilitate 705 make pleasant 829 population inhabitants 188 mankind 372 populous crowded 72 multitude 102 presence 186 porcelain baked 384 sculpture 557 porch entrance 66 lobby 191 mouth 231 opening 260 (way 627) porcupine prickly 253 touchy 901 pore opening 260 egress 295 conduit 350 – over look 441 apply the mind 457 learn 539 porism inquiry 461 judgment 480 pork 298 pornographic 961 porous open 260 outgoing 295 spongy 322 liquescent 335 porpoise 192, 366 porraceous 435 porridge 298, 352 porringer 191 port abode 189 sinistral 239 gait 264 arrival 292 carriage 448 harbor 666 – admiral 745 – fire 388 – wine 959 portable small 193 transferable 270 light 320 portage 270 portal entrance 66 mouth 231 opening 260 (way 627) portamento 270 portative small 193 transferable 270 (light 320) portcullis hindrance 706 defense 717 portemonnaie 802 portend 511 portent 512 portentous prophetic 511 fearful 860 porter janitor 263 carrier 271 porterage 270 porterhouse steak 298 portfolio case 191 book 593 file 636 direction 693 authority 747 jurisdiction 965 porthole 260 portico entrance 66 room 191 portière 424 portion part 51 allotment 786 – out 786 portional 100a portly 192 portmanteau 191 – word 572 portrait 554 – painter 559 – painting 556 portraiture 554, 556 portray 554 portreeve master 745 functionary 965 portress 263 posada 189 pose situation 183 form 240 inquiry 461 puzzle 475 difficulty 704 affectation 855 – as 554 poser 461 Poseidon 341 posited 184 position circumstances 8 term 71 situation 183 proposition 514 assertion 535 – in society 873 positive real 1 great 31 strict 82 certain 474 narrow-minded 481 belief 484 unequivocal 518 assertion 535 obstinate 606 absolute 739 (precise 494) Philosophie – 316 – color 428 – degree 31 – fact 474 – quantity 84 Positivism 451 positivism heterodoxy 984 irreligion 989 posnet 191 posology 662 posse collection 72 party 712 in – 470 – comitatus collection 72 army 726 authority 737 jurisdiction 965 possess 777 bedevil 978 – a state 7 – knowledge 490 – oneself of 789 – the mind 484 – the soul 824 possessed 777 – with a devil 503 possession 777, 780 sorcery 992 come into – 775, 783 in one’s – 777 person in – 779 put one in – of 527 remain in – of the field 731 possessor 779 possibility chance 156 liability 177 may be 470 property 780 – upon a possibility 475 possible [see possibility] post fastening 45 list 86 situation 183 location 184 support 215 send 270 swift 274 publish 531 mail 534 beacon 550 record 551 employment 625 accounts 811 stigmatize 874 punish 972 at one’s – persist 604a prepared 673 on duty 926 drive from – to pillar 704 stand like a – 265