
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

physique strength 159 animality 364 phytivorous 298 phytobiology 369 phytology 369 phyton 369 phytopathologist 369 phytotomy 369 phytozoaria 193 pi 591 piacular 952 pianino 417 pianissimo 415 pianist 416 piano gentle 174 slow 275 music 415 – player 417 – score 415 pianoforte 417 piazza 182, 189, 191 pibroch music 415 indication 550 war 722 pica 591 picacho 206 picaroon 792 picayune 643 piccolo 410, 417 pick ax 253 eat 298 select 609 best 648 clean 652 gain 775 – a quarrel 713 – holes censure 932, 934 – one’s steps 459 – one’s way 675 – out extract 301 select 609 – the brains of 461 – the lock 480a – to pieces separate 44 destroy 162 find fault 932 – up learn 539 get better 658 gain 775 pickaninny 129 pickax 253 picked 648 – men 700 pickeer 720 pickeerer 792 pickelhaube 717 picket join 43 locate 184 fence 229 guard 668 defense 717 soldiers 726 restrain 751 imprison 752 torture 972 pickings gain 775 booty 793 pickle condition 7 macerate 337 pungent 392 condiment 393 preserve 670 difficulty 704 have a rod in – 673 pickle-herring 844 pick-me-up 392, 662 pickpocket 792 abuse like a – 932 pickthank busy 682 servile 886 picnic food 298 participation 778 amusement 840 picot edge 257 picquet 840 pictorial painting 556 beauty 845 picture appearance 448 representation 554 painting 556 description 594 – post card 592 – to oneself 515 picture gallery 556 picturesque painting 556 beauty 845 piddle dawdle 683 piddling 643 pidgin English 563 pie food 298 sweet 396 printing 591 piebald 440 piece adjunct 39 bit 51 change 140 painting 556 drama 599 cannon 727 coin 800 courtesan 962 fall to -s 162 give a – of advice 695 in -s 330 make a – of work about 642 of a – 42 – of a good fortune 618 – of music 415 – of news 532 – of work discord 713 – out 52 – together 43 pull to -s 162 piéce – de résistance 298 – justificative 467 piecemeal 51 pied 440 pier 666 pierce perforate 260 insert 300 bodily pain 378 chill 385 hurt 649 wound 659 affect 824 mental pain 830 – the head 410 – the heart 830 piercer 262 piercing cold 383 loud 404 shrill 410 intelligent 498 feeling 821 – eye 441 – pain 378 pier glass 445 Pierian spring 597 Pierides 416 pietas 998 pietism 988 pietist 987, 988 piety 987 pig animal 366 sensual 954a – in a poke uncertain 475 chance 621 rash 863 – together 72 pigeon bird 298, 366 dupe 547 steal 791 gorge de – 440 pigeon-hearted 862 pigeonhole receptacle 191 hole 260 shelve 460 piggery 636 piggin 191 piggish 954 pig-headed foolish 499 obstinate 606 pigment 428 pigmy [see pygmy] pignoration 771 pig-sticking 361 pigsty 653 pigtail 214 Pigwiggen 193 pike hill 206 sharp 253 fish 366 weapon 727 pikeman 726 pikestaff tall 206 plain 525 pilaster support 215 projection 250 ornament 847 pile heap 72 multitude 102 edifice 161 velvet 256 store 636 money 800 (house 189) funeral – 363 – on the agony 860 – up exaggeration 549 redundance 641 pile-driver 276 pile-dwelling 189 pileous 256 piles 655 pilfer steal 791 pilferer 792 pilgarlic outcast 893 pilgrim traveler 268 palmer 996 pilgrimage journey 266 undertaking 676 pill sphere 249 medicine 662 bore 841 bitter – 735 pillage injury 659 theft 791 pillager 792 pillar stable 150 lofty 206 support 215 monument 551 tablet 590 from – to post transfer 270 agitation 315 irresolute 505 circuit 629 – of the state &c. 873 -s of Hercules 550 pillarist 996 pillion 215 pillory 975 pillow support 215 soft 324 consult one’s – temporize 133 reflect 451 pillowcase 223 pilon 784 pilose 256 pilot mariner 269 inform 527 guide 693 director 694 pilot balloon experiment 463 pilot boat 273 pilot bread 298 pilot jacket 225 Pilsener beer 298 pimento 393 pimp 962 pimple tumor 250 blemish 848 pin fasten 43 fastening 45 locate 184 sharp 253 axis 312 trifle 643 might hear a – drop 403 not a – to choose equal 27 no choice 609a – down compulsion 744 restraint 751 – oneself upon serve 746 servile 886 – one’s faith upon 484 point of a – 193 pinacotheca 556 pinafore 225 pince-nez 445 pincers 781