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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 368 John Bartlett

Voice of all the gods, 56.
of charmers, 1013.
of comfort, one, 791.
of God, daughter of the, 475.
of gratitude, still small, 383.
of nature cries, 385.
of one who goes before, 779.
of sea and mountains, 478.
of that wild horn, 490.
of the great Creator, 716.
of the hyena, 38.
of the past, audible, 584.
of the sluggard, 302.
of the turtle is heard, 1024.
of woe for a lover’s loss, 725.
only a look and a, 644.
or hideous hum, 251.
pleasing on their ear, his, 345.
questioning, dissolves the spell, 646.
seasoned with a gracious, 63.
so charming left his, 237.
sole daughter of his, 239.
sounds like a prophet’s, 562.
spake unto me, still small, 666.
still small, 1007.
sweet, sweet lips, 577.
sweeter thy, 673.
that is still, sound of a, 670.
that wakens the slumbering ages, 606.
the harmony of the world, 31.
thrill of a happy, 723.
was ever soft gentle and low, 149.
watch-dog’s, 396.
without reply, 617.
you cannot hear, I hear a, 314.
Voices, ancestral, 500.
earth with her thousand, 501.
I am listening for the, 653.
in the upper air, listen to, 647.
keep tune and oars keep time, 518.
lead, where airy, 574.
most vociferous, 285.
music when soft, die, 567.
of the wandering wind, 783.
thank you for your, 103.
two, are there, 478.
you that woo the, 683.
your most sweet, 103.
Voiceful of grief or glee, 776.
sea, swelling of the, 503.
Voiceless lips of the unreplying dead, 784.
turner of the wheel, 816.
Void, left an aching, 422.
rapture to the dreary, 549.
yawning, of the future, 939.
Volcano, dancing on a, 1003.
Volscians in Corioli, I fluttered your, 103.
Volscians’ ears, unmusical to, 103.
Voltiger a painted vest had on, 871.
Voluble is his discourse, sweet and, 55.
Volume of forgotten lore, curious, 655.
of my brain, book and, 132.
small rare, 456.
within that awful, 494.
Volumes from mine own library, 42.
Volumes, history with all her, 546.
in folio, I am for whole, 55.
Voluntarily, not to surrender it, 586.
Voluptuous swell, music with its, 542.
Voluptuously surfeit out, 102.
Vomit, dog is turned to his, 1041.
Votaress, imperial, passed on, 58.
Votaries, how the world rewards its, 988.
Votarist, like a sad, 243.
Vote away, fortunes and lives, 768.
hand and heart to this, 530.
that shakes the turrets of the land, 689.
Votive lay, set some value on his, 653.
Vow and not pay, 1022.
better thou shouldst not, 1022.
me no vows, 1054.
that binds too strictly snaps, 680.
Vows, lovers’, seem sweet, 551.
our, are heard betimes, 269.
soul lends the tongue, 130.
with so much passion, 281.
Vowels, open, tire the ear, 324.
Voyage, dry as the biscuit after a, 68.
life is a, 835.
of their life, 115.
one on an endless, gone, 765.
Voyaging, their, is vanity, 822.
through strange seas, 475.
Vulcan’s stithy, foul as, 138.
Vulgar boil an egg, the, 330.
deaths unknown to fame, 339.
familiar but by no means, 129.
flight of common souls, 393.
the great, and the small, 262.
Vulgarity, the Jacksonian, 795.
Vulgarize the day of judgment, 612.
Vulture, rage of the, 549.
Vultures, protection of, to lambs, 442.
Wad some power, oh, 448.
Wade through slaughter, 385.
Wades or creeps or flies, 230.
Waded through the purple shadows, 833.
Waft a feather or to drown a fly, 306.
me from distraction, 543.
thy name beyond the sky, 539.
Wafted by thy gentle gale, 455.
Wafture of your hand, angry, 112.
Wag all, in hall where beards, 21.
let the world, 11.
Wags, see how the world, 68.
Wage an undying strife, 607.
toil shall have its, 798.
Wages of sin is death, 1036.
Wager, opinions backed by a, 554.
Wagers, fools use arguments for, 213.
lay no, 398.
Wagon, hitch your, to a star, 620.
Wail in the wind is all I hear, 725.
nothing to, 242.
of the remorseful winds, 775.
still is heard yet its notes, 750.
with old woes, new, 161.
Wails so in winter, perhaps the wind, 729.