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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 353 John Bartlett

Transfigures its golden hair, 733.
you and me, that, 748.
Transforms old print, 419.
Transgressors, way of, 1018.
Transient chaste, early bright, 308.
hour, catch the, 366.
sorrows simple wiles, 474.
Transition, what seems so is, 642.
Transitory, action is, 465.
Translated, thou art, 58.
Translation, lightly and joyfully meet its, 745.
Translucent wave, glassy cool, 246.
Translunary things, 40.
Transmigration of the soul, 951.
Transmission of the highest feelings, 996.
Transmitter of a foolish face, 354.
Transmuted ill, sovereign o’er, 366.
Transmutes, subdues, 476.
Transport know, can ne’er a, 377.
Trap no, for pleasure, 776.
Traps, Cupid kills some with, 51.
Trappings and suits of woe, 127.
of a monarchy, 369.
Trash, who steals my purse steals, 153.
Travail, labour for my, 101.
Travel is a part of education, 166.
on life’s common way, 472.
thought the, long, 23.
twelve stout miles, 472.
Travels, contemplation of my, 70.
in divers paces, time, 70.
Travels’ history, in my, 150.
Travelled in realms of gold, 576.
life’s dull round, 379.
Traveller from Lima, 602.
from New Zealand, 601.
from the Zuyder Zee, 602.
lamp that lighted the, 522.
now spurs the lated, 121.
returns, bourne whence no, 136.
Travellers must be content, 67.
Travelleth, as one that, 1017.
Travelling all the same pace, are, 664.
is to regulate imagination, 375.
Tray Blanch and Sweetheart, 147.
Tray’s ever faithful, old dog, 764.
Treacherous flatteries without winking, dam, 730.
phantom men call liberty, 747.
Treacle, fly that sips, 348.
Tread a measure with you, 56.
again the scene, who would, 497.
each other’s heel, 308.
grapes of the wine-press which ye, 605.
in air, seem to, 339.
my days, 779.
on another year, 808.
on classic ground, 299.
the globe, all that, 572.
the land whereon we, 580.
upon another’s heel, one woe, 143.
where angels fear to, 325.
where’er we, 541.
Treads alone some banquet-hall, 523.
so light the grass stoops not, 161.
Treason can but peep, 142.
corporations cannot commit, 24.
doth never prosper, 39.
flourished over us, bloody, 114.
has done his worst, 121.
if this be, make the most of it, 429.
like a deadly blight, 526.
none dare call it, 39.
saw, crushed freedom crowned, 788.
Treasons, is fit for, 66.
Treasure, a witty woman is a, 772.
is, where your, 1030.
of his eyesight, 104.
of our tongue, 39.
rich the, 271.
unsunned heaps of miser’s, 244.
what a, hadst thou, 134.
what men call, gods call dross, 738.
Treasures, Apollo’s Pythian, 339.
hath he not always, 502.
heaven’s best, 387.
in heaven, 1030.
love light and calm thoughts, 502.
sea-born, fetched my, 614.
up a wrong, him who, 555.
Treatise, rouse at a dismal, 125.
Treble, of brook bud and tree, 788.
turning again toward childish, 69.
Tree, aye sticking in a, 495.
come to the sunset, 570.
die at the top like that, 294.
falleth, where the, 1023.
friendship is a sheltering, 503.
fruit of that forbidden, 223.
garden of Liberty’s, 516.
give me again my hollow, 328.
green leaves on a thick, 338.
hale green, 652.
he that planteth a, 834.
I planted, thorns of the, 544.
in the wide waste, a, 552.
is inclined, as twig is bent the, 320.
is known by his fruit, 1031.
leaf is on the, 637.
light on tower and, 861.
like a green bay, 1011.
near his fav’rite, 386.
’neath yon crimson, 573.
of deepest root is found, 432.
of liberty, 990.
of life, the middle tree, 232.
on a tree, 801.
or flower, never loved a, 778.
sheltered about the mahogany, 697.
spare the beechen, 516.
the starry, 816.
things done in a green, 1034.
to the top of the, 801.
too happy happy, 576.
treble of brook bud and, 788.
under a sycamore, 406.
under the greenwood, 67.
woodman spare that, 609.
Zaccheus he did climb the, 873.
Trees are brown, and all the, 728.
birch most ladylike of, 733.