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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 339 John Bartlett

Temper, touch of celestial, 234.
when he’s well dressed, in good, 702.
which bears the better, 93.
whose unclouded ray, 321.
Tempers the wind, God, 379.
Temperament, chance and, 791.
Temperance more difficult than abstinence, 375.
that may give it smoothness, 137.
Temperate and furious in a moment, 120.
will, the reason firm the, 475.
Tempered every blow, 803.
Tempest, description of a, 953.
in a teapot, 953.
itself lags behind, 416.
such calms after every, 151.
the, raves, 819.
tracts of calm from, 677.
Tempests blow, round misty islets, 629.
blow, with steady hand when, 835.
dieth, the noise of, 700.
glasses itself in, 547.
roar, billows never break nor, 295.
Tempest’s breath prevail, the, 542.
roar, the spray and the, 714.
Tempestuous petticoat, 201.
Temple, better than in the, lost, 954.
built to God, 206.
Fame’s proud, 428.
hangs on Dian’s, 103.
in the very, of delight, 577.
Lord’s anointed, 120.
nothing ill can dwell in such a, 43.
of Diana, burnt the, 219.
of silence and reconciliation, 602.
where God hath a, 192.
Temples bare, my, 501.
dedicated to God, 529.
groves were God’s first, 573.
like gold nails in, 734.
of his gods, 604.
solemn, the great globe itself, 43.
swim before my sight, 333.
Temple-door, his torch is at thy, 813.
Temple-walls to shut thee in, 834.
Temporal power, shows the force of, 64.
Temporary safety, little, 359.
Tempt the pilgrim steps of spring, 822.
Tempts us within, demon that, 746.
Temptation, safe from, 642.
that endureth, 1040.
to yield is the way to get rid of, 836.
why comes, 712.
Temptations, in spite of all, 800.
Tempted her with word too large, 52.
Tempter, so glozed the, 239.
Ten commandments, complained of the, 700.
commandments, my, 93.
female cousins, 799.
hours to the world allot, 438.
low words in one dull line, 324.
soft buds, 807.
upper, thousand, 580, 723.
winters more, ran he on, 276.
Ten years’ war, cause of a long, 280.
Tenable in your silence, 129.
Tenantless, graves stood, 126.
save to the wind, 543.
Tend, to thee we, 367.
Tends to disappear, evil, 773.
Tendance spend, in so long, 30.
touched by her fair, 237.
Tender and so true, 380.
and true, Douglas, 38.
for another’s pain, 381.
spot, a, 825.
Tenderest, the bravest are the, 761.
touch, we feel the, 274.
Tender-hearted stroke a nettle, 313.
Tenderly, take her up, 595.
Tenderness, found pity in his, 803.
Tendrils strong, with, 477.
Tenement of clay, 267.
Teneriff or Atlas unremoved, 234.
Tenets, his faith in some nice, 260.
turn with books, 321.
Tenor of his way, 425.
of their way, noiseless, 385.
Tent, nightly pitch my moving, 497.
that searches to the bottom, 102.
Tents and starry skies, for, 848.
fold their, like the Arabs, 641.
how goodly are thy, 1005.
in all climes pitch our, 846.
of wickedness, 1013.
their silent, are spread, 866.
Tented field, action in the, 150.
Tenth transmitter of a foolish face, 354.
Tenth-rate poeticule, 808.
Tenui musam meditamur avena, 460.
Termagant, o’er-doing, 137.
Terms, good set, 68.
in plain, 62.
litigious, 253.
Terrace walk, a, 289.
Terrible as an army with banners, 1024.
as hell, fierce as ten furies, 228.
he rode alone, 1003.
lightning of His, swift sword, 747.
man with a terrible name, 508.
rumble grumble and roar, 751.
Territories, no slave, 652.
Terror, creeds of, 729.
death armed with a new, 528.
fills the world with, 645.
in your threats, there is no, 114.
shadows have struck more, 97.
so spake the grisly, 229.
Terrors, king of, 1009.
never felt before, fantastic, 656.
Test, bring me to the, 141.
of ridicule, truth the, 444.
of truth, ridicule the, 581.
we need no fuller, 715.
Testament as worldlings, a, 67.
blessing of the old, 164.
of bleeding war, open the purple, 82.
Tester I’ll have in pouch, 45.
Testimonies, thy, are my meditations, 1015.
Testimony, law and the, 1025.
Testy pleasant fellow, 300.