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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 321 John Bartlett

Standing with reluctant feet, 640.
Stanhope’s pencil writ, lines with, 311.
Stanley, approbation from Sir Hubert, 457.
charge Chester charge on, 490.
Stanza, who pens a, 326.
Staple of all wisdom, 409.
of his argument, 56.
Star, a bright particular, 73.
a quenchless, forever bright, 596.
and also there’s a little, 831.
bright, would I were, 577.
constant as the northern, 112.
desire of the moth for the, 567.
dropped like a falling, 225.
early drooped in the western sky, 744.
fair as a, 469.
for every state, 687.
give a name to every fixed, 54.
glittering like the morning, 409.
has waded through the shadows, 833.
heart that lurks behind a, 328.
hitch your wagon to a, 620.
in bigness as a, 230.
in its embrace, had caught a, 867.
in the sky, does not know a, 618.
light of the Mæonian, 325.
lovers love the western, 487.
man is his own, 183.
never, was lost here, 706.
of dawn, a later, 485.
of empire, westward the, 312.
of Eternity the only star, 597.
of its worship, still to the, 524.
of life’s tremulous ocean, 528.
of peace return, 515.
of resplendent front thy glorious, 613.
of smallest magnitude, 230.
of the unconquered will, 639.
on the breast of the river, 857.
or two beside, a, 498.
our life’s, 477.
our queen our rose our, 608.
pinned with a single, 591.
pins it with a, 591.
round and perfect as a, 775.
splendid a, 713.
state for every, 687.
strives to touch a, 29.
sunset and evening, 685.
that bids the shepherd, 243.
that lights a desert pathway, 683.
that ushers in the even, 163.
thy soul was like a, 472.
to guide the humble, a, 702.
to stay the morning, 501.
twinkling of a, 214.
whose beam so oft has lighted me, 524.
Stars a music pealed, southern, 686.
and kindly, have given, 608.
are in the quiet skies, 631.
are old, till the, 761.
are singing golden hair to gray, 851.
Stars, battlements bore, 479.
beauty of a thousand, 41.
before he shakes, down, 730.
blesses his, 297.
blossomed the lovely, 642.
branch-charmed by the earnest, 575.
bright as the, that glow, 580.
burns with glory of the, 835.
cleanse me ye, 821.
cut him out in little, 107.
doubt thou the, are fire, 133.
ever as a lake looks at the, 809.
fairest of, 235.
fault is not in our, 110.
fought against Sisera, 1006.
glows in the, 316.
have lit the welkin dome, 574.
have their time to set, 570.
heaven of, 809.
heaven’s vault studded with, 568.
her eyes as, 474.
hide their diminished heads, 231.
hide your diminished rays, 322.
illume the sky, when, 597.
in earth’s firmament, 639.
in empty night, sink those, 496.
in her hair were seven, 769.
in spite of nature and their, 211.
in the sky for religion’s sake, 741.
in their courses, 1006.
innumerable as the, 235.
kings are like, 565.
look on the sea, as, 632.
look out upon the, 608.
morning, sang together, 1009.
my consorts are the sleepless, 725.
of glory there, set the, 573.
of human race, 414.
of love, wholesome, 678.
of midnight shall be dear, 469.
of morning, 235.
of morning sung, song the, 651.
powdered with, 236.
repairing, other, 236.
rush out, the, 498.
seen in the galaxy, 236.
sentinel, set their watch, 515.
shall fade away, 299.
shall walk beneath the, 842.
shine aloft like, 481.
shooting, attend thee, 202.
shot madly from their spheres, 57.
sky studded with eternal, 743.
so eloquently bright, quenchless, 635.
start from their spheres, 131.
steal to their sovran seats, 823.
that come once in a century, 732.
that fight in their courses, 748.
that round her burn, 300.
the life-inclining, 38.
the silent, go by, 791.
the wakeful, 775.
they fell like, 496.
two, keep not their motion, 87.
unutterably bright, 568.
were more in fault than they, 287.