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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 266 John Bartlett

Prime conception of the joyous, 28.
golden, of Haroun Alraschid, 665.
wisdom, 237.
Primer, school master with his, 527.
Primeval, this is the forest, 642.
Primrose, bring the rathe, 247.
by a river’s brim, 468.
first-born child of Ver, 199.
path of dalliance treads, 129.
peeps beneath the thorn, 398.
soft silken, fading timelessly, 251.
sweet as the, 398.
yellow, was to him, 468.
Primroses that die unmarried, 77.
Primy nature, youth of, 129.
Prince make a belted knight, 452.
of darkness, 147, 256.
war the only study of a, 407.
Princes and lords may flourish, 396.
are the breath of kings, 447.
find few real friends, 377.
gilded monuments of, 162.
like to heavenly bodies, 166.
of courtesy, 846.
privileged to kill, 425.
put not your trust in, 1016.
that sweet aspect of, 99.
the death of, 112.
whose merchants are, 394.
Prince’s hall, never stept thro’ a, 682.
Princes’ favours, hangs on, 99.
palaces, 60.
service of, 878.
Princedoms virtues powers, 235.
Princelier-looking man never stept, a, 682.
Princely in bestowing, 101.
service, 776.
Princeps copy in blue and gold, 456.
Princerples, I don’t believe in, 735.
nor men, it ain’t by, 735.
Principal thing, wisdom is the, 1017.
Principality in Utopia, better than a, 604.
Principle, act in accordance with, 939.
free trade is not a, 624.
inconsistencies in, 816.
not expediency, 627.
of bliss, the vital, 358.
precedent embalms a, 624.
reason measured by, 929.
rebels from, 410.
Principles never defeated, our, 634.
of human liberty, 530.
of nature, 953.
of resistance, 408.
oftener changed, their, 311.
search men’s, 938.
turn with times, 321.
we might our, swaller, 735.
Print, I love a ballad in, 78.
it and shame the fools, 326.
it, some said John, 265.
’t is devils must, 520.
to see one’s name in, 539.
transforms old, 419.
Printed in a book, words, 1009.
Printed record, the colorless photography of, 827.
Printers have lost, books by which, 222.
Printing, had invented the art of, 584.
to be used, caused, 94.
Prior, here lies Matthew, 288.
Priscian a little scratched, 56.
Prism and silent face, 475.
Prison, palace and a, 544.
stone walls do not a, make, 260.
Prison-air, bloom well in, 836.
Prison’d soul, take the, 244.
Prisoner, takes the reason, 116.
Prisoners, of hope, 1028.
Prisoner’s life, passing on the, 47.
Prison-house, secrets of my, 131.
Prithee why so pale, 256.
Privacy, an obscure nook, a, 704.
let there be an end, a, 704.
Private credit is wealth, 875.
end, who served no, 323.
ends, to gain his, 400.
griefs they have, 114.
property, 809.
station, post of honour is a, 298, 340.
thinking, above the fog in, 730.
Prive and apert, 4.
Privilege of putting him to death, 462.
Privileged and the people two nations, 627.
beyond the common walk, 307.
to kill, princes were, 425.
Prize, art not strength obtains the, 341.
ever grateful for the, 465.
me no prizes, 1053.
not to the worth whiles we enjoy, 53.
o’ death in battle, 737.
of learning love, 710.
that which is best, 939.
the world holds high, unseduced by, 746.
to love the game above the, 846.
we sought is won, the, 744.
Probabilities, between conflicting vague, 663.
fate laughs at, 632.
Probability keep in view, 349.
Probable nor’-east to sou’-west winds, 797.
Probe my heart with pensive gaze, 845.
Proceed ad infinitum, 290.
Proceedings intrusted him no more, 813.
Process, evolution is a, 812.
human thought is the, 530.
of the suns, 669.
such was the, 150.
Procrastination is the thief of time, 307.
Procreant cradle, 117.
Proctors, prudes for, 672.
Procurer of contentedness, 207.
Procuress to the lords of hell, 675.
Prodigal, chariest maid is, 129.