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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 227 John Bartlett

Much credit in that, there ain’t, 702.
delight of battle with my, 668.
goods laid up, 1034.
have I seen and known, 668.
he reads, 111.
he thinks too, 111.
I owe, I have nothing, 956.
I want which most would have, 22.
may be made of a Scotchman, 371.
may be said on both sides, 300, 363.
more than little, is by much too, 86.
more to that which had too, 67.
must he toil who serves, 647.
of a muchness, 870.
of a muchness, they’re, 730.
of earth so much of heaven, 472.
one man can do, 263.
so, to do so little done, 675.
some have too, 22.
something too, of this, 138.
to say, 793.
too, of a good thing, 71, 971.
Muchness, much of a, 870.
they’re much of a, 730.
Muck of sweat, all of a, 402.
Muckle, twice as, as a’ that, 447.
Mud, sun reflecting upon the, 169.
Muddy, ill-seeming thick, 73.
Mudsills of society, 636.
Mudville, there is no joy in, 856.
Muffins, no more inspiration than in a plate of, 838.
Muffled drums are beating, 638.
Mugwump a person educated beyond his intellect, 867.
mainspring mogul and, 784.
Multiplication of the inferior, 773.
Multiplied visions, 1027.
Multiplieth words, he, 1009.
Multitude call the afternoon, 56.
is always in the wrong, 278.
many-headed, 34, 103.
of counsellors, 1017.
of projects, 895.
of sins, charity shall cover the, 1041.
swinish, hoofs of a, 410.
Multitudes in the valley of decision, 1028.
Multitudinous lives awake, sounds of, 851.
seas incarnadine, 120.
Mumble, let her maunder and, 583.
Mumbling Athanasian creeds, weary of, 788.
Mummied authors, shelved round us lie, 761.
Munich, were, all thy banners, 515.
Murder, a brother’s, 139.
by the law, 311.
cannot be long hid, 62.
ez fer war I call it, 734.
many a foul and midnight, 383.
one, made a villain, 425.
one to destroy is, 311.
sacrilegious, hath broke ope, 120.
sleep, Macbeth does, 119.
though it have no tongue, 135.
Murder, thousands takes a specious name to, 311.
will out, 972.
Murders, twenty mortal, 122.
Murderer, carcasses bleed at the sight of the, 187.
Murky air, into the, 239.
Murmur, invites one to sleep, whose, 380.
of a low fountain, 814.
of the breaking flood, 824.
the shallow, 25.
with lulling, 792.
Murmurs as the ocean murmurs, 512.
died away in hollow, 390.
hear our mutual, 558.
near the running brooks, 471.
to their woe, 398.
Murmuring fled, 234.
of innumerable bees, 673.
streams, lapse of, 237.
Murmurings were heard within, 480.
Murray was our boast, 332.
Muscle, motion of a, 465.
trained, keep thy, 739.
Muscular, his Christianity was, 629.
training of a philosopher, 931.
Muse, every conqueror creates a, 220.
his chaste, 377.
His praise, expressive silence, 357.
meditate the thankless, 247.
of fire, O for a, 90.
on nature with a poet’s eye, 513.
rise honest, 322.
said look in thy heart, 34.
worst-humoured, 400.
worst-natured, 279.
Muses, all the charm of all the, 682.
Mused, still as I, the naked room, 725.
Music and moonlight, 567.
and the flying cloud, 775.
architecture is frozen, 999.
at the close, setting sun and, 81.
audible to him alone, 485.
be the food of love, 74.
breathing from her face, 550.
by man than comes of, 714.
ceasing of exquisite, 642.
die in, 63.
discourse most eloquent, 138.
dwells lingering, where, 484.
fading in, a swan-like end, 63.
governed by a strain of, 485.
has died away, the, 746.
hath charms to soothe the savage breast, 294.
heavenly maid was young, 390.
his very foot has, 427.
in its roar, 547.
in my heart I bore, 473.
in the beauty, there is, 218.
in the nightingale, there is no, 44.
in them, die with all their, 689.
instinct with, 485.
is well said to be the speech, 582.
like perfect, unto nobler words, 685.
like softest, 106.
like the warbling of, 167.