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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 181 John Bartlett

Law, good opinion of the, 440.
hath not been dead, the, 48.
higher, than the constitution, 606.
ignorance of the, 195.
in calmness made, keeps the, 476.
is a ass a idiot, the, 702.
is a sort of hocus-pocus, 350.
is good, the, 1039.
is nothing else but reason, 24.
is open, the, 1035.
is perfection of reason, 24.
is the true embodiment, 801.
it has honoured us, the, 532.
last result of human wisdom, 375.
lawless science of our, 670.
live obedient to the, 783.
measure for, 194.
murder by the, 311.
nature’s kindly, 318.
necessity has no, 959.
no lust because they have no, 680.
not to be heard in war, 911.
nothing is, that is not reason, 278.
of beauty and utility, 705.
of kindness, 1021.
of life and its best fruit, 786.
of life, progress is the, 704.
of the Medes and Persians, 1027.
offends no, 36.
old father antic the, 82.
one God one element one, 677.
one principle of Being and one, 940.
possession the strongest tenure of the, 878.
preserves the earth a sphere, 456.
reason is the life of the, 24.
rich men rule the, 395.
rigorous, is rigorous injustice, 890.
seat of, is the bosom of God, 31.
seven hours to, 438.
sovereign, sits empress, 438.
stand level with the highest in the, 798.
supposes that, if the, 702.
the, is good, 1039.
the ultimate angels’, 711.
these nice sharp quillets of the, 93.
thought of the people shall be, 283.
truly kept the, 255.
unchanging, of God, 694.
we have a measure for, 194.
wedded love mysterious, 234.
what plea so tainted in, 63.
which moulds a tear, 456.
who to himself is, 36.
windy side of the, 76.
world’s, is not thy friend, 108.
written and unwritten, 946.
Laws and learning die, 726.
are with us, the, 506.
better none than too many, 965.
breathing household, 472.
curse on all, 333.
facts and the, judges of the, 859.
for the blood, 61.
gives his little senate, 327, 336.
grind the poor, 395.
however stringent, no, 720.
Laws, impartial, 313.
like cobwebs, 943.
love knoweth no, 32.
may give us new, 200.
nature’s, lay hid in night, 330.
new lords give us new, 200.
of a nation, 281.
of conscience, 960.
of heat, to examine the, 812.
of nature, 434.
of purer science holier, 728.
of right, 996.
of servitude began, 275.
or kings can cause or cure, 367.
repeal of bad, 752.
that never cease, 843.
true friendship’s, 346.
with sweeter manners purer, 676.
Law’s delay, the, 135.
grave study, 24.
Lawful for me to do what I will with mine own, 1032.
Lawn, rivulets hurrying through the, 673.
saint in, 320.
sprinkled the dewy, 338.
sun upon the upland, 386.
with rosy lustre, 342.
Lawns, happy fair with orchard, 681.
Lawrie, but all sang Annie, 761.
Lawyer, the skull of a, 143.
without literature a mechanic, 493.
Lawyers are met, the, 348.
Cantilena of, 527.
take what they would give, 691.
wrangling, 186.
Lax in their gaiters, 510.
Lay dying in Algiers, 653.
go forth my simple, 437.
her in the earth, 144.
his weary bones among ye, 100.
like a warrior, 563.
Llewellyn’s, 383.
low, Brer Fox he, 828.
me down in sorrow, 770.
me down to sleep, now I, 873.
no wagers, 398.
not that flattering unction, 141.
on Macduff, 126.
on that day, as she, 453.
our burdens down, where we, 758.
set some value on his votive, 653.
stone on stone, dig and heap, 753.
thy soft touch of healing, 764.
with canvas drooping, that, 727.
your golden cushion down, 865.
Lays before us, little we know what, 702.
delight by heavenly, 477.
Lazy fokes’s stummucks, 828.
Le véritable Amphitryon, 277.
Lea, standing on this pleasant, 476.
the sun has left the, 494.
winds slowly o’er the, 384.
Lead kindly Light, 607.
me O Lord till perfect day, 761.
me whither thou wilt, 931.
thou me on, 607.