Managing people can be challenging. Individuals and team members differ greatly and one works for one may not work for another. Hence, the understanding of management principles and developing the right behaviours is essential. As we explore the basic things on how to manage people, you will also learn, how to develop the skills for effective management. You will also discover several ways you can approach management, whether it is individual, as a team or at management level.   Based on the above, you are required to describe and discuss the following:   Define ‘management’ and leadership’.(3 marks) Outline and elaborate FIVE (5)effective ways of managing people, for example: a good listener or team oriented.(15 marks) Give TWO (2)suggestions on managing problematic employees. (10 marks) Explain on how you establish your management skills.(2 marks)

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Managing people can be challenging. Individuals and team members differ greatly and one works for one may not work for another. Hence, the understanding of management principles and developing the right behaviours is essential. As we explore the basic things on how to manage people, you will also learn, how to develop the skills for effective management. You will also discover several ways you can approach management, whether it is individual, as a team or at management level.


Based on the above, you are required to describe and discuss the following:


  1. Define ‘management’ and leadership’.(3 marks)
  2. Outline and elaborate FIVE (5)effective ways of managing people, for example: a good listener or team oriented.(15 marks)
  3. Give TWO (2)suggestions on managing problematic employees. (10 marks)
  4. Explain on how you establish your management skills.(2 marks)
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