
Volkswagen Stereotypes

Decent Essays

Volkswagen: Bold and Truthful
Historians tend to portray the 1950s as a decade of prosperity, conformity, and consensus. This was the after war pro America time period. The 1960s as a decade of turbulence, protest, and disillusionment, in other words a time of freedom and self-expression. These stereotypes are largely true, though, as with everything in life, there are exceptions to this perspective. Therefore, the historians’ portrayal of the 1950s and 1960s is accurate for the majority of Americans, though some groups were clearly exceptions. Advertising was one of these exceptions. (Heimann)
Advertising uses mass media content intended to persuade audiences of readers, viewers or listeners to take action on products, services and ideas. …show more content…

Many professionals like to call this campaign the gold standard. Created by “Doyle Dane & Bernbach” in 1960, they defined the common goal of “How do you change peoples’ perceptions about not only a product, but an entire group of people” (Heimann) At the time; Ford was the car company of choice. Americans only wanted American cars, WWII ended 15 years prior, and Americans still didn’t want odd, little, German cars. (Maas) Volkswagen decided not to be something they weren’t. “Think Small”, “Lemon”, and “impossible” were just a few of the head turning titles used on these honest, simple, …show more content…

They were everything they made fun of. It was raw and honest, which went well with a modernized generation. They were small, they couldn’t hold a lot, but you could always find parking. (that was the main focus of 6 different ad campaigns) Lemon, they do break down a lot but they are extremely easy to fix. Nobody’s perfect, yeah the cars could be better, and yeah they may not be the most innovative but they get the job done for the price. “There are a lot of good cars you can get for $3400. This is two of them” Since they always looked the same, they always held worth. These cars made sense compared to everything else on the market and those facts and figures sold the cars with out any creative thought.

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