
University Library Services : A Redesign

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Curtin University Library Services: A Redesign
Curtin University Library (henceforth 'the Library ') is a large academic library that serves 30,000 students. Within this Library, the library services seeks to provide equal learning support and reference services to a diverse range of users. Currently these users range from:
• Students: including those studying from full-time to part-time, locally or by distance, from high to low socio-economic backgrounds and of varying ages
• Staff
• Digital users who are in contact with the libraries services only via "cyberspace" (Gruca, 2010, para. 2) and users who require face-to-face services
• People with low digital literacy, and/or English language skills

The current service model employed by the Library includes limited technology-driven services and is primarily based around a reference desk staffed by information professionals during opening hours. However, due to the information and communications technology (ICT) revolution of the last few decades and the resulting ease with which users are able access information and services via the Internet, the Library is being confronted with swiftly changing behaviours and expectations from their users - as a result Curtin’s traditional services are no longer fulfilling the various users needs. To prove its ongoing usefulness and relevance to their users, the Library must redesign its services by embracing technology and Web 2.0 techniques, redesigning face-to-face services,

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