
Data Mining Essay

Decent Essays

Assignment Unit 2B

With rapid advancements in the technology, new concepts are hitting the industry and it is redefining itself over a course of time. The data mining is one of its kind to improvise the lives of people. Data mining uses techniques which are helpful in finding out the different forms of data. The data mining is closely related to the database technology. Almost every industry takes the help of the datamining to grow in their respective fields. For instance, stock management, quality control, risk management, fraud detection, marketing and analysis of investments. It has its applications ranging from finding the molecule structure of the gene to identifying a robbery at an international level.
Data mining functions differently from a classic database interrogation in which, the database inquiries ask for the retrieval of stored information. Datamining is performed in static data collections known as data warehouses. Whereas the online operational databases undergo upgradations. Finding patterns in dynamic system involves much complexity rather than in a static system. The usage of datamining is not only limited to the computer field but also emerged into various disciplines.
There are six different forms of datamining. Each has its own significance in accomplishing the task. Each data mining form deals with specific cases and gives us a real solution for better lives.
The six forms of datamining are:
1. Class description
2. Class discrimination
3. Cluster

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