
The Emotional Abuse Woman Summary

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The Emotionally Abuse Woman by Beverly Engel, a therapist with sixteen years of experience and a victim of emotional abuse herself, is a book geared towards women who are involved with friends, family members, bosses or any one significant in their life who is emotionally abuse towards them. Her goal of those reading who are also in emotional abusive relationships is to share her knowledge and experience of others to educate the abused woman, leaving her with skills on how to cope, move on and avoid future abusive relationships. Engel starts out her book, with a definition of abuse, defining it as verbal, physical or emotional attacks directed at an individual in order to control him/her, humiliate him/her, or to cause fear. She explains …show more content…

The first type is the person who demands that every waking moment be spent with him/her. This person tends to be jealous and tries to separate the victim from friends and family. The second type of abuser is the person who likes to belittle an individual to make himself/herself look good. The third type is inconsiderate of others and will take apart anyone who stands in their way. These people are more interested in power and getting ahead. The fourth type of abuser is the person who always wants to control the victim’s life in order to have power or get their way. The fifth kind is addicted to sex and demands sex continually from his/her victim. The sixth type of abuser is the person who possesses an antisocial personality. This person often violates the victims’ rights and is often participating in illegal activities. The seventh category of abusers are the ones who arrogant and only think of themselves. They feel that the world owes them because they are so wonderful. The eighth kind of abuser is the person who thinks women are worthless and in turn degrades them. The ninth type is the person who doesn’t take responsibility for anything and always blames the victim for anything that happens. The tenth category of abuse is the person who sets out to destroy his/her victim. They find out weaknesses the victim is sensitive two and exploit them, hurting the person. The …show more content…

One aspect is the role that society plays in acclimatizing women to be a victim. Engel (1990 p. 44) explains that women have been taught by society to become martyrs. As children, boys are encouraged to stick up for themselves and girls are urged to accept what is and to be passive, conditioning women to have a victim mindset (Engel, 1990, p. 44). This psychological theory is also supported by Hyde and Else – Quest (2013 p. 298), identifying it the learned helplessness theory. In this theory, when individuals are exposed to disagreeable situations with no hope of avoidance, they learn to accept the circumstance and become helpless (Hyde & Else, 2013, p. 298). When a woman stays in an abusive relationship, she feels powerless, losing hopefulness and accepts the despair (Engel, 1990, p. 143). This can be one of the reasons why women stay in abusive

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