
The Crisis Of Chad 's Economy Essay

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1. Executive Summary

In order for Chad’s economy to succeed in the future, major reforms on oil revenue transparency are necessary. As a result of social and political conflicts, Chad has historically been characterized by division and warfare. Since the discovery of oil during the 1960s, these conflicts have only been exacerbated. The oil pipeline that began construction in 1999 as a result of this discovery inadvertently fueled the tension that had been created. The revenues that were generated from the pipeline were not allocated with transparency, which caused dissent on a global scale. This project was supposed to be an example for all oil-dependent developing countries that agreement and control of revenues could help grow a country’s economy. Ultimately, the methods used to control the revenues in Chad have been inefficient, and are in need of further reforms such as improved national dialogue and access to information.

2. Background

Chad has gone through decades of corruption and poverty due to lack of transparency with oil revenues from the government.

Chad has a diverse population that is divided by a destitute North and a wealthy South. The country is characterized by perennial warfare, with tension between these two “poles,” civil wars from 1979 to 1982, and the advent of anarchy in the country under Hissène Habré from 1982 to 1990. Following Habré’s reign, Idriss Déby continued what Frank and Guesnet called a “cycle of violent power struggles in which

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