
The Carnal Prayer Mat by Yu Li

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Vesperus’ masculine beauty is a central theme in Li Yu’s moral comedy, The Carnal Prayer Mat. What’s more, his life trajectory parallels non-Mahayana Indic accounts of Siddhartha’s path to enlightenment, particularly on the emphasis placed on descriptions of both men’s physical perfection and their subsequent sexual appetite and prowess. Both Vesperus’ and Siddhartha’s masculine beauty propels them forward on their life paths, positioning them in the simultaneously instructive and destructive feminine sphere of the inner quarter. The wealth of sexual experiences gives both men the necessary insight for their critical realization of the superficiality and emptiness of a life guided by carnal desires and sexual pursuits of women. As a …show more content…

What’s more, these gifts of beauty and intelligence are described as Heavenly-endowed. When first meeting Vesperus, Lone Peak muses, “What a fine intelligence the man has! But the Creator is at fault for giving him this physical form. Why match a heart that was meant for the study of Buddha with a face that will lead to damnable deeds?” (Yu 21). This sentiment of beauty as a cosmic gift from higher beings is echoed in Vesperus’ narcissistic self-reflection when deciding whether to take a life path of asceticism, filial piety, or sexual debauchery: “Since Heaven has given birth to someone like me, it must also have given birth to a girl fit to be my mate….That is why at twenty I am still unmarried—I want to do full justice to my genius and my looks” (Yu 25).
Vesperus’ wish to do “justice” to his intellectual brilliance and looks speaks to the degree to which masculine beauty is an important catalyst of sexual desire and subsequent acts of seduction and moral transgression. Lone Peak describes Buddha, the Lord of Heaven, as a doting and overly indulgent parent who has blundered in giving a favored child, Vesperus, too many blessings:
By the time the boy grows up, he is convinced that his body and nature were given to him by Heaven and Earth and nurtured by his father and mother so that no harm will ever befall him, and he does any wicked thing that enters his head. Only

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