
Slavery Life Under Slavery

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Life under slavery is known to be controversial among historians. The well being of a slave mainly depended on the kind of agriculture they worked on, the area they lived, and also the time period they lived in. The plantation system changed slavery heavily from 1700 to 1830. In the early 1700s, the average slave was a young male in his twenties from either the Caribbean or Africa. By 1830, the average slave was just as likely to be male as they were female. Most of these slaves by this point were actually born in North America and spoke english. They also worked on a plantation with many other slaves. These plantations and the rise of agriculture were the main reasons for change in slave life. Due to the substantial amount of slaves on a plantation, it was very easy for male slaves to find a female mate. This lead to marriage between slaves and a decrease in the need for importation of slaves. The importation of slaves decreased so much that it was banned by Congress in 1808. In 1850, it was normal for a slave to work on a large plantation with around ten to fifteen other slaves. The …show more content…

Masters would encourage slave marriages so that they would have children and bring new slaves into the world to work. The law itself did not protect slave families. In reality, each slave in their lifetime would endure the hardship of losing at least eleven family members from death and trading. Although a slave woman was married, this did not protect from the demands of her master and other white men. Mothers were too preoccupied with field work to be able to spend much time with their children, who were kept by the elderly slaves. Family ties may not have been extremely close, but broad kinship patterns were very common. Children were close to their grandparents, aunts, and uncles. They would even name family friends as “uncles and

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