
Rhetorical Analysis Of Is Google Making USupid By Nicholas Carr

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Google is not making you stupid Nicholas Carr argues in his text, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” that the Internet is changing the way people work and reflect for the worst. Carr’s argument is ineffective because while the Internet might be shifting people, it could be for the better. Nicholas Carr argues that the instant access to information through Google provides has caused the loss of the ability to read long articles and as well be able to hold our attention with out just skimming through the text. While Carr attempts to persuade his audience through his rhetorical aim and as well as the usage of ethos, pathos and logos to convince his audience with a rational dispute, his argument is to direct and the audience he is speaking to …show more content…

He tries to use a persuasive tone in this text because he does not want the generations to come to be inadequate of the wiring in people’s brains to change with what the person does to it. He tries to make the audience feel the same as him towards the Internet, especially Google. He does put a little humor through out his text bashing on the idea that Google is ruining our brains. Even though he tries to appeal spite of dislike in his text he comes off that the readers are thinking the same, and he as well wants to raise a connection of sense that he is right. Carr quotes that he can “Maybe I’m just a worrywart” for what’s to come for the new generations in using Google. Nicholas Carr does provide a good argument with many different supportive studies in this text but he struggles to persuade his audience enough in using pathos. He does have a strong input about how he feels about the usage of Google but he only see’s one side of his argument and not how much the web has helped and impacted people today. He is very one minded about this situtuion and uses to many different studies trying to show that Google is the main reason to making us stupid but his studies aren’t strong enough and the evidence he uses can go both ways from a con to a

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