
Outline Of Historical Views On Child Welfare Workforce And Nasw Standards

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Week 1 - Child Welfare Workforce and NASW Standards Provide an overview of historical views on children and identify how this will impact your role in empowering families, protecting children from maltreatment, and engaging in ethical decision making as a child welfare worker. Historically, children were viewed very differently than they are today. Adults thought of children as being seen and not heard. Children were expected to work in textile factories or as chimney sweeps in order to provide for their families. They did not have rights and in the family, children followed the rule “do as you’re told” so they would survive. It was not until 1875 when the thought of the rights of children came about. Rights of children “stemmed from their status – dependent, immature individuals who require care, protection, and guidance to survive and flourish,” (Downs, Moore & McFadden, 2009, p. 7). Politicians thought children deserved an education and protection, so they introduced “child saving” activities that advocated for the improving the lives of and conditions for children. Since this was enacted orphanages were developed for communities that experienced disasters and orphan trains helped in resettling over 100,000 children. In 1924 the League of Nations approved the Geneva Declaration of of the Rights of a Child which gave children rights such as receiving food, healthcare, protection, and shelter (Strohm, Powerpoint, September 3). Having the history is beneficial because it

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