
Nokia and Finland

Decent Essays

Case study: Finland and Nokia

1. How was Finland able to move from a sleepy economy to one of the most competitive nations in the world by the end of the 1990’s?
Finland was considered a sleepy country even after their independence from Sweden, depending its economy mainly on the Soviet Union by exporting its natural resources. Finland however slowly but constantly developed its economy up to the OECD average, following the models of its Nordic neighbors to invest highly in social welfare and public infrastructure. Also, Finland had gone though dramatic change in its macroeconomic policy starting from 1970s, featuring fixed nominal exchange rate, centralized wage bargaining, and an increasing fiscal budget though the 1980s. Strict …show more content…

Finnish telephone network was never monopolized by the state, granting many licenses for telephone operations to prevent the Russia to seize its national telephone system when Finland was Russian Grand Duchy. After independence, Finland’s attempts to nationalize poorly performing telecom failed due to political resistance, but could stimulate private operators to upgrade their technology to prevent their nationalization. The legacy of communication business left a lot of competitive companies in the sector for development. However despite all the reasons mentioned above, emerging demand for such technology from global market would be the greatest reason why mobile communication industry emerged in Finland and made Finland a world-leading nation in mobile communication.
3. How was Nokia able to become a world leader in mobile handsets?
Nokia’s aggressive strategy to dominate mobile communication cluster would be the main reason how Nokia could become a world leader in the sector among other reasons. Nokia’s passion for mobile communication industry was great enough to give up more than 40% of its revenue in is pre-owned communication industry to concentrate only in mobile communications. Nokia was also lucky enough to see the possibility of mobile communication early enough to predominate the industry and prevent any competition from

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