
Mother In Elie Wiesel's 'Two Kinds'

Decent Essays

God created all of us and perhaps a mother is the best creation of god. It is the mother who gives her child the chance to see this beautiful world. She is the light when there is no hope, she is the shadow when there is no place to hide, she is the shelter of her child when the storm is destroying the whole world. Mother is like the one no one can compare anything to her and for a lot of people she is the one who helped them to make them who they are now. She is the guide who shows the best way for her child to their success and become an integral part of their life. Overall, she always tries to do something best for her child and here is the problem. Because, sometimes some mother do not figure it out what is best for her child. In “Two Kinds” …show more content…

In the trial of making her daughter an American prodigy the mother repeatedly pressures Jing Mei to become something into she is not. The mother is so ambitious about her daughter. She wants to secure Jing Mei’s future and by trying to do so she does not realize how much jeopardize she put her daughter’s life into. But, Jing Mei responds very negatively to this tyranny. She does not want to become something she is not. “ I won’t let her change me, I promised myself. I won’t be what I’m not.”(Pg.- 194). So she used the piano to deceive her teacher, her mother pretending she is practicing the lessons, but in the end she finds that she actually deceives herself. Throughout her life she struggled with schooling and finally quit. All these she sees as the result to her mother’s pressure, but who is the sufferer at the very end. The mother is highly ambitious and the daughter is super stubborn. These two things together make Jing Mei nobody in her life and stop her mother to expect anything from her ever in her life, which she started with the piano. Both of them were just struggling over the piano. One was struggling to push other up, and the other was struggling to push her down to become her true self, not her mother’s made

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