
Media's Negative Influence On Body Image

Decent Essays

What is your perception of beauty? For the media, it’s unhealthy, unachievable and dangerous to teenagers of today’s society. The media negatively influences our idea of body image – making us strive to be someone we are not, leaving us feeling worthless. These images prove no purpose whatsoever to society and should not be so widely available. The media damages the minds of our youth. The Medias negative images are strongly linked to Anorexia and Bulimia both of which are life-threatening eating disorders causing the sufferer to desire to be thinner. Anorexia causes the patient to deliberately lose weight by refusing to eat, and bulimia is a disease which causes the patient to purge their food up, causing them to vomit. Doctors have proved there is a direct link between these eating disorders and the unrealistic photos produced by the media, which cause young girls and boys to aspire to be more like them. It is outrageous that we live in a society where we are brought up with the media having such a strong hold on us, telling us that females should be tall, thin, have perfect skin and teeth and that males should be …show more content…

They believe they allow men and women to set target goals, and are motivational images. How can images of models that cause a decline in self-acceptance and overall confidence be positive? They answer is, they can’t be positive. The media is wrongly sending out a message that this is an acceptable way to look, yet it isn’t. Sadly by the age of 10, almost half of girls have tried to lose weight after seeing images of women in magazines. This shocking statistic clearly demonstrates that the Medias images aren’t going unnoticed and are having a direct effect on our younger generation. These images only do one thing, they alter society’s mind, making them believe beauty is skin deep. It is an unacceptable use of power on the Medias

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