
Identity Theft Research Paper

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I remember when people found phone numbers and addresses of other people by calling the operator or the phone company. The only numbers that were available were the ones of the people that had opted to list their name, number, and address. Nowadays, anyone almost anywhere can look up anyone’s phone number and address on the internet. But an even more alarming problem is that the owner of that information may or may not have approved for their information to be public. This is just a very small example of the power of the internet. It can be wealth of information and at the same time it can be very dangerous to have all of that information so easily accessible to anyone and everyone. With all of the positive beneficial impacts that the internet has brought to our world, it has also created easy …show more content…

The internet is so readily available and convenient; I cannot go through the day without using it in some way shape or form. I use it for school, work, entertainment, and personal uses. All of this information is great but just as much as it is an asset; it is also a very dangerous tool in the wrong hands. Billions of dollars are spent each year on identity theft. Criminals have found it very easy to use the internet to commit fraud and other crimes. Anyone can obtain almost any information on any individual out there. Nothing is sacred on the internet. Social Security numbers can be found along with birth dates, addresses, and phone numbers. With just these few pieces of information, anyone can assume the identity of another. Criminals that do this can now obtain credit cards, loans, and lines of credit, and other services. Easy to lose and hard to get back; the process of recuperating your identity after it has been stolen is not an easy task. This makes the information on the internet very dangerous and

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