
How Poetry Can Ride The Bus

Decent Essays

The poems “Introduction to Poetry”, “Poem”, “Poetry Should Ride the Bus”, “How Poetry comes to me”, “How I Discovered Poetry”, and “Making It in Poetry”. These poems express their author’s thoughts on poetry beautifully. Each author gives their own interpretation of what poetry is to them. However, each poem carries small differences and similarities. At the end, each poem has taught its readers a new meaning of poetry. To begin, in the poem “Introduction to Poetry” by Billy Collins he wants his readers to appreciate each poem as a piece of art. He wants his readers to look at the poem and get absorbed into the emotion of the poem instead of only wondering what the poem means. He uses personification in this quote “tie the poem to a chair with rope/ and torture a confession out of it” to express what we do to poems (356). We the readers should instead pay attention to the rhyme and style of the word. We should stop worrying about the meaning of the poem. This is similar to another author style in “Poem” by William Carlos Williams he uses a cat to movements in the “jamcloset” to show his readers that we should be like the cat. The cat takes its time to get around the “jamcloset” which is what the readers should do with poetry we must take our time to look at it and appreciate each word, line and stanza. In “Poetry Should Ride the Bus” by Ruth Forman, shows poetry in a different meaning she discusses how poetry can be everywhere in the world. She explains that poetry can

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