
Hercules Mulligan Research Paper

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One of the most important Americans in history was not born in America, and almost no one has heard of him. His name is Hercules Mulligan, and he was born in the year 1740 in County Antrim, Ireland. Mulligan moved to the colony of New York in 1746, when he was only 6 years old. Hercules went to college at Kings College, the precursor to Columbia University. Upon graduation he went to went as a clerk at his father’s accounting business. After years of working for his father, Hercules went to start his own business as a tailor. He accumulated many customers who were wealthy British businessman and high ranking British officers. In 1765, Hercules decided to join in the fight against the British, so he joined the Sons of Liberty. Then in 1772, …show more content…

In 1777, Hamilton was selected to be George Washington’s aide. One thing he did was suggest Hercules as a correspondence for Washington because Hercules’s knew and worked for high ranking officers. Mulligan’s connections paid off in 1779 when a British officer hurriedly purchased a new watch coat. Curious about why the man needed the coat, Mulligan asked why he needed it in such a hurry. The man explained that he was leaving immediately on a mission, boasting that "before another day, we'll have the rebel general in our hands"(Martin). Immediately following the encounter, Hercules sent word about the planned attack on Washington. Washington had planned a meeting with his officers and the British had learned of the location, but thanks to Hercules, Washington relocated and avoided capture. Mulligan’s brother also learned of a plot to ambush the colonists, but the ambush was avoided as Mulligan passed the information on to General Washington in time, saving him a second time. Following the end of the war, Washington personally visited Mulligan and thanked him for his help defending against the

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