
Ford Motor Company Marketing Strategy Essay

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Ford Motor Company Marketing Strategy

Ford Motor Company is one of the world’s largest producers of cars and trucks and one of the largest providers of automotive financial services marketing vehicles under the eight brands shown below. The Company is a publicly traded company listed on the New York Stock Exchange. During 2002, the company made 6.7 million vehicles and employed 328,000 people worldwide. Business partners include 25,000 dealers and more than 10,000 suppliers.

Ford motor company offers a wealth of variety to the automotive consumer. As they start their second century of business, they are now in a position to appeal to the widest range of potential customers. Each of their automotive brands has a unique personality …show more content…

Now all car companies work very hard to find out what people really want from cars, and they try to build cars to fit the preferences. Market research uses all the same empirical tools as experimental psychology, but with larger research budgets, better-defined questions, more representative samples of people, and more impact. Ideally, marketing’s empiricism works like Rogerian psychotherapy: it holds up a mirror to ourselves, reflecting our beliefs and desires so we can recognize, remember, evaluate, and transform them.

Ford Motor Company is undergoing a transformation that is putting their customers at the center of everything they do. Their vision is to be the world’s leading consumer company for automotive products and services. That requires a much different headset than that of a traditional automobile manufacturer—one that concentrates intensely on the people who buy and use their products. Obviously, they had had a pretty good idea of what their customers wanted in the past, or we wouldn’t be approaching our 100th anniversary.

For nearly a century, Ford Motor Company has worked to improve people’s lives and be a responsible and valuable member of the community. In recent years, they have expanded and accelerated their corporate citizenship efforts, and worked to integrate them into their overall business strategy.

But today’s customer—and today’s competition—requires a deeper level of understanding. Traditional market research is fine,

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