

Decent Essays

Once the song was fully memorized I practiced it with the recording accompaniment. I learned when to come in from the piano intro and how long to wait after the different phrases and sections. There were no dynamics for the voice part, so I added them in where I saw fit based on the phrases and lyrics, and was highly influenced by a recording sung by Cecilia Bartoli at the Berliner Philharmoniker with Daniel Barenboim.
My teacher corrected any slight mispronunciations during my lessons, and encouraged me to further elongate the double consonants. He also wanted more emphasis on consonants, especially ones at the beginning of words. On many occasions he encouraged me to have more energy, and to look like I enjoyed singing the song! The song …show more content…

I sang the song through on a lip trill to work on consistent air. I sang it through “like a witch” and this opened by sinuses and raised my back pallet. By singing through the aria with my tongue out as Millan had suggested to Marlee, I noticed a more relaxed tongue. I worked to be conscious of my posture, especially in keeping the head aligned with the body. I practiced the habit of dropping the stomach when I run out of air, and hopefully this improved my breathing. I enjoyed Millan’s experiment in asking three students to turn around and have their backs to Becky as she sang Skeleton Song. She had to convince them to turn around as she was singing (this was the same tactic Millan would later use when working with Rachael, and it produced similar results). It heightened the intensity and emotion, gave Becky an objective, and forced her to reach her voice to the back of the room where they were standing. I worked on aiming my voice to the back of the room during my performance in front of school friends, who were purposefully standing on the opposite end of the orchestra room. I worked on intensifying my emotional investment towards the Countess, as well as connecting with my audience. A few years ago the audience terrified me, but now connecting with them and getting reactions is my favourite part of singing. Logan’s piece Smile was a great example of the performer-audience relationship because Logan’s goal to make the audience smile with

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