
Consumer Services Division And Marketing Manager

Good Essays

Actg 422
Consumer Services Division
While it is true that Ms. Forthright had always exceeded her budgeted sales, the extent to which she diverts away from the managers projections does not necessarily means that she is violating honesty and integrity. Her decision on what her budgeted sales for the year is highly relevant to the data available to her. Her projections tends to lie between the field manager and the marketing manager’s predictions, which can be reasonable because in the past years, the field manager’s projections tend to be over what the actual sales of the year will be.
Forthright’s sandbagging falls between the acceptable limits of withholding information and deception because she is not really hiding any of the division’s strength in order to beat the budgeted results. Forthright may be considered to be conservative in setting the planned sales level, but not enough to be considered sandbagging or even decisive.
Mr. Hurdle, not knowing the whole information about the division’s performance such as the field and marketing manager’s predictions may think that Forthright may have been sandbagging all these years because realized sales was never below the planned sales. It is thus, important for Ms. Forthright to be transparent about all the factors that made her come to a decision.
Compensation and Goal-Setting
The existing compensation plan definitely create additional pressure on Forthright and create extra incentive for her to sandbag

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