
Analysis Of Classical Hollywood Cinema

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The release of Gordon Hollingshead and Alan Crosland’s The Jazz Singer in 1927 marked the new age of synchronised sound in cinema. The feature film was a huge success at the box office and it ushered in the era David Bordwell describes as ‘Classical Hollywood Cinema’; Bordwell and two other film theorists (Janet Staiger and Kristin Thompson) conducted a formalist analysis of 100 randomly selected Hollywood films from the years 1917 to 1960 in order to fully define this movement. Their results yielded that most Hollywood made films during that era were centred on, or followed, specific blueprints that formed the finished product. Through this analysis of Hollywood films the theorists were able to establish stylised conventions and modes of …show more content…

When a camera angle depicting the action is cut to a differing angle the action is immediately picked up where the previous shot left off showing one continuous action using many different camera angles (Giannetti, 2011) .

In Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring when Gandalf arrives in the shire the action follows his horse drawn cart, camera angles are switched to follow the movement of the cart but the editing is done so that it is ‘silent’ and almost inconspicuous. The latter technique used to maintain temporal continuity is diegetic sound, a device referring to a sound that has been viewed within the story world. It can include off-screen sounds but it always takes place in the narrative domain. Whenever Legolas draws his bow and loosens an arrow we hear a zip for the sound of the arrow leaving the bow and a thump when it meets its target, this is an example of diegetic sound in Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.

Most commonly questioned temporal shots are smoothed together using continuous diegetic sound creating a logical linear timeframe that is an auditory reminder for the audience. Other related techniques, such as the flashback and montage, are also commonly utilized in continuity editing within Classical Hollywood cinema. A flashback is the jump in the story from a point in the present to a point in the past; an internal analepsis is a flashback

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