
Essay on Chronic Renal Failure Case Study

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A Nursing Case Study on Chronic Renal Failure In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in NCM-102 CRITERIA Introduction and Implications - 5% Objective - 5% Developmental Data - 5% Physical Assessment - 10% History - 5% Anatomy and Physiology - 5% Pathophysiology - 10% Interpretations - 5% Drug Studies - 5% Nursing Management - 20% Health Teachings - 5% Format - 5% Punctuality - 10% Reference - 5% _________________ TOTAL: TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 5 Objectives 6-7 Patient’s Data 8 Health History A. Family History i. Genogram 9 ii. Narrative 10 B. Past Health History 11-12 C. Present History 13 Complete Diagnosis 14-15 …show more content…

Specific At the end of our 2 weeks of data gathering and completing the study, the group aims to accomplish the following:  Establish rapport and have a pleasant student nurse-client working relationship with our client, Sir Xxx Client x, and his significant others so that the group can gain their trust and can obtain pertinent information from them;  formulate and present an introduction that is related to the case being studied;  trace our client’s family tree and make corresponding legends that will show the hereditary diseases and the present status of our client’s family members;  collect the necessary information about our client, his personal data, past health history and present conditions;  define the final diagnosis;  identify the developmental tasks of our client using Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory and Rober Havighurst’s Developmental Task Theory;  assess the patient thoroughly from head-to-toe (cephalocaudal);  identify and present the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system;  illustrate and identify the parts of the urinary system;  trace the pathophysiology of the disease process;  identify the precipitating and predisposing factors that may contribute to our client’s condition;  present the symptoms with their corresponding rationale;  interpret the results of diagnostic and laboratory examinations undergone by our client and identify the corresponding nursing considerations;  enumerate the other possible diagnostic

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