
Business 475 Strategic Plan 1

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Riordan Manufacturing EMS Recommendations by Team B Consultants, Inc.
Sheri Sparks, Jeff Jewell, Kevin Rachel, and William Lewis
Management 360
July 9, 2013
Vicki Bauer

Riordan Manufacturing EMS Recommendations by Team B Consultants, Inc.
There are several obstacles for manufacturers attempting to employ changes in their processes for more sustainable practices. One problem that manufacturers will run into is the lack of direction. Knowing that change is needed is the easy part of reaching sustainability. Knowing what changes to make is a much more complicated challenge. The idea of sustainability is discussed often, yet broad scope ideas are traded without specific details and applications. Team B Consultants Inc. (TBCI), is the …show more content…

Although changing the lighting can bring some savings, this is just a small step toward sustainability.
Increasing the efficiency of the equipment, by upgrading components and eliminating the equipment’s inefficiencies is another option for energy savings. Substantial savings can be realized by changing the fixed speed motors on the injection molding equipment, to variable speed motors that use less energy during less demanding cycles. Fixing the leaks in the equipment’s hydraulic system as well as performing other routine maintenance will keep the equipment efficient and running as intended. Whereas these changes can increase efficiencies, they are simply bandages that will need to be changed.
Safe Handling and Recycling of Chemicals and Solvents Riordan’s four locations are at various stages of recycling and reuse of their plastics. It is suggested that all locations follow sustainability practices set by Riordan. By developing recycling and reuse practices Riordan will realize savings on resources. Part of their immediate EMS would include:
Any off-spec raw materials - Returning off-spec raw materials to the vendors would save costs on disposal. TBCI suggests that Riordan work with their vendors on quality to ensure raw materials are of the quality needed for their products. If the vendor does not respond, other vendors should be procured.

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