
`` Brave New World Of Digital Intimacy ``

Decent Essays

Similar to the characters in Wall-E, people in our society have become glued to their devices, thus any form of physical socializing is nonexistent. Because people pay so much attention to their social medias, the form of web communication slowly strips the ability to physically interact confidently with others. For example, there are kids and teens out there who grew up with online friends because they spent most of their childhood indoor playing games and meeting people online. In Wall-E, all the humans do up in space is stare at a large screen projector. In fact, they are so invested in technology that they do not acknowledge the existence of those around them. There is not a single character who takes a moment to speak to another human sitting right beside them. In “Brave New World of Digital Intimacy”, Thompson declares “And when they do socialize face to face, it feels oddly as if they’ve never been apart. They don’t need to ask, “so what have you been up to?” because they already know.” He indicates that people spend so much time on the internet chatting and catching up with each other that it feels awkward to speak in person again because they are not used to physical contact. People who use these applications are able to see and communicate with their friends or families just across the screen. Technology instead is becoming a person’s company, replacing an actual existent person. Ultimately, due to the amount of time spent with technology, people are losing the

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