
Analysis Of Shakespeare 's Macbeth By William Shakespeare

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Known for his tragedy, intrigue, comedy, and romance, Shakespeare extends his boundary of prowess in the play Macbeth. The irony present in the play, the double-meaning of the characters’ actions, and the complexity of setting all contribute to a thrilling story of murder and looking beyond the superficial. Dramatic, situational, and verbal irony greatly contribute to the theme of things are not what they seem in Macbeth text and film. Shakespeare uses the contrast in irony to convey this in the character’s words, actions, and the audience’s awareness. The textual and film evidence fully supports the theme and displays the author’s affluent use of irony.
The theme is most clearly stated in the line, “Fair is foul, and foul is fair” (I. i. 3). On the literary level it is merely a paradoxical phrase, but it also represents the duality of the playThe text of Macbeth provides a collection of examples of the dual nature of the theme. The witches predict Macbeth will be “Not so happy, yet much happier” (I. i. 14). Macbeth thinks he’ll be happy as king and this entitles him to take the title by whatever means necessary, even murder. Lady Macbeth furthers his descent into deceit by encouraging the murder and playing on his masculinity, though he was having second thoughts (“Dramatic Effects”). Macbeth becomes the epitome of the theme when he hosts Duncan in his home. Lady Macbeth advises him to embrace this two-facedness, “Look like th’ innocent flower, But be the serpent under ‘t”

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